Quotes from Captain's Fury

Jim Butcher ·  451 pages

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“I've never lost a duel to the death. Not one.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Tavi grinned. "Are you with me?"
"The plan is insane," Ehren said. "YOU are insane." He looked around the inside of the tent. "I'll need some pants.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Do you want your blood to stay where it is sochar-lar?"
Tavi lifted both eyebrows at the unfamiliar word, and glanced at Varg.
"Monkey," Varg supplied, in Aleran. "And male-child."
"He called me monkey boy?" Tavi asked.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Living was a dangerous past-time, and often quite painful—but there was also such joy in living, such beauty, things that one would otherwise never see, never experience, never know. The risk of pain and loss was a part of living.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“I would hit you on the head with a rock and drag you away from this. But it would only shatter the rock.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“If I stay, they'll kill me... If I go, at least everything that wants me dead won't be taking it personally.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“You never get a straight answer from captains. You should know that by now.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“The past was gone. Nothing could change what had already been. Looking back at it, letting its wounds fester, indulging in regret was just a different, slower way to die. The living moved forward.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Worry is fear in disguise. And fear will eat you from the inside out if you let it.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Crows," Maximus breathed. "Was that who I think it was?"
"Phrygiar Navaris," Tavi said, nodding.
"What was she doing here?" Max asked.
"Getting humiliated, mostly. Especially there at the end.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“If you shoot, I will kill her before I die."
Yes," Kitai said in a patient tone. "Which is why I have not shot you. Yet.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“And you've got that look on your face again."
"I can't help it, "Ehren said. "You're about to walk to breakfast, arn't you, regardless of who is in the way?"
"Yes," Tavi said.
Ehren sighed. "Let's hear it."
Tavi told him the plan.
"That's insane," Ehren said.
"It could work."
"You arn't going to have anyone come along to bail you out this time," Ehren pointed out.
Tavi grinned. "Are you with me?"
"The plan is insane," Ehren said. "You are insane." He looked around inside the tent. "I'll need some pants.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“No story that juicy was going to stay secret for long.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Life is not notable for its overabundance of certainty.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Lady Aquitaine sighed. “Then it all hinges on Scipio. He has a rather irritating talent for impersonating a fulcrum.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Living was a dangerous past-time, and often quite painful—but there was also such joy in living, such beauty, things that one would otherwise never see, never experience, never know. The risk of pain and loss was a part of living. It made everything else mean more; beauty was more pure, more bright, pleasure more full and complete, laughter deeper, more satisfying—and contentment more perfect, more peaceful.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Battles are fought in muddy fields, in burning towns, in treacherous forests, in unforgiving mountains, and on the blood-spattered stones of contested bridges, Tavi realized.

But battles are won within the minds and hearts of the soldiers fighting them. No force was defeated in battle until it believed that it was defeated. No force could be victorious unless it believed it could be victorious.

The First Aleran believed.

The Canim raiders weren't sure.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Speak only to those who listen. Anything else is a waste of breath. The answers to your questions were there, if you listened for them.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Very few people understand that swords aren’t dangerous, Tavi, nor hands nor arms, nor furies. Minds are dangerous. Wills are dangerous. You are heavily armed with both.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“The deepest joys and most terrible wounds were both to be had from family. The”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Tavi grinned. ‘Are you with me?’ ‘The plan is insane,’ Ehren said. ‘You are insane.’ He looked around the inside of the tent. ‘I’ll need some pants.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“Your death doesn't belong to me. We flipped a coin. I lost.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“He smiled crookedly. “I’ve never lost a duel to the death. Not one.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“are dangerous. Wills are dangerous. You are heavily armed with both.” Tavi”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“and to my dog, without whom I would not be reminded daily that I am essentially little more than a ridiculous human being who has somehow swindled somebody into paying me to write down conversations with my imaginary friends.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

“The plan is insane,” Ehren said. “You are insane.” He looked around the inside of the tent. “I’ll need some pants.”
― Jim Butcher, quote from Captain's Fury

About the author

Jim Butcher
Born place: in Independence, Missouri, The United States
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