Quotes from Blood Bound

Patricia Briggs ·  292 pages

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“Never trust a mechanic who drives new cars. They're either charging too much money for their work, or they can't keep an old car running - maybe both.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“His heart's occupied elsewhere," said Ben from behind me. "And even if it weren't he's not interested in your kind. But, I'm available and ready."
"You don't have a heart," I told him. "Just a gaping hole where it should have been."
"All the more reason for you to give me yours."
I pounded my forehead against Warren 's back. "Tell me Ben's not flirting with me."
"Hey," said Ben sounding hurt. "I was talking cannibalism, not romance.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Any idiot can put up a website.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“You should be home sleeping. What is the use of having a man in the house, if he cannot take care of you for a while?”
“Mmm,” I said. “I give up. What's the use of having a man in the house?”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“So in the sweltering heat of a July night, I sang a Christmas carol to a room full of fae, who had been driven out of their homelands by Christians and their cold-iron swords.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Adam wants to know what took you so long?
"Tell him I had wild, passionate sex with a complete stranger.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“After I shut the door behind me, I heard Darryl say "of course eating him would work too.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Damn it," I said. "I don't suppose you have any ideas on how to kill Littleton."

He smiled at me, his teeth very white in the darkness of his face. "Eat him," he said.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“I think that I can count on the fingers of one hand the times you've actually said the word ‘women' and not replaced it with an epithet referring to female genitalia."
"Hey, he's not that bad," Warren said. "Sometimes he calls them cows or whores.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“A dominant wolf's desire to protect was a strong instinct--Samuel was very dominant. Give him an inch, and he'd take over the world--my life, if I let him." ~Mercy”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Now, I'm not very vain. If I'd ever been, making my living covered in various grease and dirt mixtures would have cured me quickly. Still, I wasn't up to facing two sexy men when I had one eye swollen mostly shut and half of my face black and blue.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Even after all this time, I keep forgetting that heroes can be found in unlikely places and persons -- like mechanics who can turn into coyotes.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Damn it,” I said. “I don't suppose you have any ideas on how to kill Littleton.”
He smiled at me, his teeth very white in the darkness of his face. “Eat him,” he said.
“Very funny,” I turned to leave.
“Kill the vampire and the demon goes away,” He told me. “That's what the witch told Adam. And you kill a vampire by staking him, cutting off his head, and then burning him.
“Thank you”
After I shut the door behind me, I heard Darryl say, “Of course, eating him would work, too.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“I thought you couldn't make it here until morning," I said.
"I hurried.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“I like what you've done to your face," Ben said, tapping his eye.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“We’d spent years as adversaries, two predators sharing territory and a certain, unwelcome attraction. Somehow, during all those years I spent outwardly acquiescing to his demands while making sure I held my own, I’d won his respect. I’d had werewolves love me and hate me, but I’d never had one respect me before. Not even Samuel. Adam respected me enough to act on my suspicions. It meant a lot.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“He bit the nape of my neck and I moaned.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“If I ever become a serial murderer, I'll be very careful to kill people in a pattern that centres around a police station - and not my home or work.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Warren made a noise, the first one I'd heard out of him since we'd come into the room. I'd have been happier if he hadn't sounded scared.
"Easy, Warren," Adam told him. "You're safe here.”
"If you die on us, you won't be," said Kyle with a growl that would have done credit to any of the werewolves in the room.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Americans in particular are oddly innocent in their faith that science holds explanations for everything.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Then again, maybe you couldn't have killed me," he said, crawling out of the stairway. He moved very slowly, like a lizard who had gotten too cold.

I heard a whimper from behind one of the closed doors next to the bathroom, and sympathized. I wanted to whimper, too.

"I'm not hunting you," I told him firmly, though I stepped backward until I stood in a circle of light at the end of the hallway.

He stopped halfway out of the stairway, his eyes were filmed over like a dead man's.

"Good," he said. "If you kill Andre, I won't tell-and no one will ask."

And he was gone, withdrawing from the hallway and down the stairs so fast that I barely caught the motion, though I was staring right at him.

I walked out of his home because if I'd moved any faster, I'd have run screaming.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Why is it that in all the adventure movies the heroine doesn't have to get up and go to work?”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Male werewolves treat their mates like beloved slaves. the thought set my back up. It was just a good thing I wasn't a werewolf or there would be a slave rebellion.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“The problem with deciding to bend the rules was trying to figure out just how far you could bend them.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Mercy: Then why didn't Marsilia just come herself?

Andre: Marsilia is a lady. Women do not belong in combat.

Mercy: So you brought me instead?”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“It is generally a bad thing when someone hunting you is polite. It means they are sure they can take you anytime they want to.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“The trick to staying out of trouble is to keep your nose out of other people's business.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“I don't wear a cross. As a child, I'd had a bad experience with one. Besides, a crucifix was the instrument of Our Lord's death- I don't know why people think a torture device should be a symbol of Christ. Christ was a willing sacrifice, a lamb, not a cross for us to hang ourselves on; or at least that's my interpretation. Maybe other people think of religion and God differently than I do.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“I couldn't stay in that room with both men one more minute...

Even a human woman could have drowned in the testosterone in the air, it was so strong.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

“Some wounds need to be pricked so they can drain. Others just need to be left alone.”
― Patricia Briggs, quote from Blood Bound

About the author

Patricia Briggs
Born place: Butte, Montana, The United States
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