Quotes from After We Collided

Anna Todd ·  287 pages

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“The best thing about reading is to escape from your life, to be able to live hundreds or even thousands of different lives.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“If you aren’t affected
somehow, even in the slightest bit, you aren’t
reading the right book.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“The best thing about reading is to escape
from your life, to be able to live hundreds or even
thousands of different lives.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Just because he can't love you the way you want him to doesn't mean he does't love you with everything he has.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Is love always like this? Is it always so passionate, yet so damn painful?”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“La lectura es la mejor manera de escapar de las preocupaciones del día a día, de poder vivir cientos, incluso miles de vidas distintas. Lo que no es ficción no tiene ese poder, no te cambia del mismo modo que la ficción.
—¿La ficción te cambia?
—Sí, te cambia. Si no te afecta, aunque sólo sea un poco, es que no estás leyendo el libro adecuado.—...—. Me gusta pensar que todas las novelas que he leído hasta ahora ya forman parte de mí, que me han hecho como soy, en cierto sentido.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Tessa has an obsession with Target that I’ll never understand.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Sometimes you just have to choose to let things go, to move on.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“I don't really care for fiction."
"How can you not? The best thing about reading is to escape from your life, to be able to live hundreds or even thousands of different lives. Non-fiction doesn't have that power- it doesn't change you like fiction does."
"Change you?" He raises his brow.
"Yes, change you. If you aren't affected somehow, even in the slightest bit, you aren't reading the right book. I would like to think that every novel I've read has become a part of me, created who I am, in a sense.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“De algún modo se ha convertido en el pegamento que mantenía mi vida en su sitio, y en su ausencia sólo me quedan las ruinas de lo que fue mi existencia.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Es macht mich wahnsinnig, wie sie in ihrem Essen stochert. Am liebsten würde ich ihr die Kartoffeln gabelweise in den Mund schaufeln. Deshalb haben wir Probleme, weil ich Gewaltfantasien von Zwangsfütterung habe. (Hardin über Tessa)”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“La lectura es la mejor manera de escapar de las preocupaciones del día a día, de poder vivir cientos, incluso miles, de vidas distintas.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“I take it she didn’t accept your apology?”

“Who says I gave an apology, or a reason to need one?”

“Because you’re you, and on top of that, you’re a man . . .” He salutes me and downs the rest of what’s in his glass. “We always have to apologize first. It’s the way it is.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Subrayaba frases en mis novelas que me recordaban a ti. ¿Quieres oír la primera? Era: «Bajó a la pista, evitando mirarla durante un buen rato, como si se tratara del sol; pero, aunque no la miraba, la veía, como sucede con el sol».
Supe que te amaba mientras subrayaba a Tolstoy.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“Ich habe gehört, je mehr man schreit und brüllt, desto wahrscheinlicher gewinnen sie. (Hardin zu Landon beim Hockey)”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“It's dark meets light; it's chaotic perfection; it's everything I fear, want, and need.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“My grandmother used to tell me that cupcakes are good for the soul. If I need anything, it's something for my soul.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“L'amour ne vient pas à bout de tout comme les romans essaient de le faire croire.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“La lectura es la mejor manera de escapar de las preocupaciones del día a día, de poder vivir cientos, incluso miles de vidas distintas. Lo que no es ficción no tiene ese poder, no te cambia del mismo modo que la ficción. Si no te afecta, aunque sea sólo un poco, es que no estás leyendo el libro adecuado.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“If you aren’t affected somehow, even in the slightest bit, you aren’t reading the right book.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

“You aren’t one of those women who demands to pay half of the bill, are you?” he teases.”
― Anna Todd, quote from After We Collided

About the author

Anna Todd
Born place: in The United States
See more on GoodReads

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