Quotes from Wolfcry

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes ·  198 pages

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“I want to chase the butterflies.”
― Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, quote from Wolfcry

“I don't know what kind of life we might have together," I said, never looking away from her warm brown eyes. "But I know I would protect you with the last scrap of my soul. I know I want to be there for you, to hold you, to dance for you, to hunt with you, to be with you no matter where Fate takes us, because it's the sound of your heartbeat that comforts me when I drift off to sleep, and I know I - I cannot offer you royalty. I'm not sure what I can offer you - but myself. Hopefully that is enough, because I love you, Betia, and I do implore you to be my mate.”
― Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, quote from Wolfcry

“You don't have to speak. Words fade," she whispered. "I know that better than anyone. Words are forgotten; they are regretted.Unnecessary. I know.”
― Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, quote from Wolfcry

“Betia laughed a little, shaking her head. She leaned forward and kissed my cheek as she grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. Her brown eyes glittered with a devil-may-care recklessness that warmed me to my toes. If it would make her smile that way, I would dance all night.”
― Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, quote from Wolfcry

“Betia kissed my forehead. "I won't leave unless you ask me to. I-" Her lips touched mine chastely. "The future will come. I will be there, if you want me.”
― Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, quote from Wolfcry

About the author

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Born place: in Silver Springs, Maryland, The United States
Born date April 16, 1984
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