Quotes from All In

Raine Miller ·  240 pages

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“And even if you hate me for what I did, I'll still love you. If you won't see me, I'll still love you. I'll still love you because you are mine. Mine, Brynne. In my heart you are, and nobody can take that away from me. Not even you. E”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I have no intentions of letting you go.” I swallowed hard. “If you come with me you’re signing on for all of me, Brynne. I don’t know any other way to be with you. It’s all in for me. And I want it to be all in for you too.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I knew I had found my angel at last and I would hold onto her with everything I had.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“You said you were all in.”
“I am. With you, Brynne, I am, and I have been from the very start.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“How did you learn to cock so well?” I sputtered, “I mean cook!”
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I gave her a grin and a wink. “You do both so well, baby, my cock and the cooking part.

― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“Then I drove over to get my snaked-haired, sharp-tongued, unpredictable, and very perplexing girlfriend, like the besotted sap that I very much was.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“Crazy people never seem to get better, so everyone needs to know what could be a potential problem down the line.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“The mind can imagine terrors far more horrific than you could ever physically bear, just like the mind will tune out those physical hurts when the pain surpasses what your body can endure.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I’m not going anywhere, Brynne. You’re stuck with me and you better get used to it…”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“What happened to taking things slow?” she asked softly.
“All in, baby,” I whispered, “it can’t be any other way with us.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I guess that’s what falling in love will do to a person—make you ache in a way for which there is only one cure.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“Open up and show me. I want to see what’s mine, baby.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“The most effective torture is not physical, it's mental.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“No one can see. I want to fuck right here, right now, under the stars…”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“We fit beautifully together like this. Sex with her shattered me down to my deepest levels of complexity; even if Brynne wasn’t aware, I was. I don’t even know what I said to her during the heat of it. I say all kinds of things to her because she likes my filthy mouth. She told me so. It’s a damn good thing too because I cannot help it. The filter between my brain and my mouth is pretty much nonexistent.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“With Ethan everything was fast, intense… combustive. From the beginning, he told me things. He told me that he wanted me. And yes, he even said he loved me. He had no problem telling me about what he wanted with me, or how he felt about me. And I don’t just mean the sex. That was a big part of our connection, but it wasn’t everything with Ethan. He can share his feelings easily. It is his way— not necessarily mine.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I felt like Ethan wanted to consume me at times. He overwhelmed me from the first and was definitely a demanding lover, but one thing was certain, I wanted everything he’d ever given me.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“If you come with me you’re signing on for all of me, Brynne. I don’t know any other way to be with you. It’s all in for me. And I want it to be all in for you too.” “All in?” She brought her palm to my cheek and held it there, her questioning look so genuine. I turned my lips to press them into the palm of her hand as she held my face. “A poker term. Means to bet everything you have on the cards you’re holding. You’re what I’m holding.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I couldn’t remember ever being driven by my cock in the way I was driven with her. Maybe when I was just starting out, but nothing with this level of intensity had ever consumed me like it did now. Fucking Brynne was right up there with food, and shelter these days.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“You’re mine…” I told her in a whisper, just inches from her face. “This pussy is mine. All the time… whether it’s my fingers… or my tongue… or my cock.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“Coming on command. That’s my girl, who does it when I tell her to. I’m such a lucky, lucky bastard.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“She rang me that afternoon on my mobile. I missed her call because of an idiot meeting. I wanted to hurt the morons who’d taken my time...”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“That’s easy.” I made a rude noise. “I want to go back to ten days ago. I want to be back in my office, fucking on my desk with you wrapped around me! I want your body underneath mine looking up at me with some expression other than the one I saw when you left me at the lifts!” I rested my forehead on the steering wheel and took in air.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“I didn’t have long to wait before she joined me naked and mind-bendingly sexy as usual; rendering me utterly captive and raging to claim her body with the dominating sex I couldn’t seem to control when we were together. My ultimate reward and my greatest fear all rolled into one.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“You’re going to go to sleep right now, and think about it… and trust me… and move in with me officially.”
“Just like that?” I asked.
“Yeah, just like that.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“(...)Clarkson fue a ayudar a Brynne y Marie en la cocina mientras Gabrielle y Elaina parecían hacerse buenas amigas hablando de libros— especialmente uno muy popular sobre un multimillonario muy joven y su obsesión con una mujer aún más joven... y el sexo. Habían montón de escenas de sexo eróticas en el libro, aparentemente en cada página.
Neil y yo nos miramos con simpatía el uno al otro, y no tuvimos absolutamente nada que añadir a la conversación. Es decir decir, ¿quién lee esta basura? ¿Quién tiene tiempo? ¿Por qué incluso leer sobre sexo en un libro cuando se puede tenerlo en la vida real? No lo entiendo.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“Brynne was naturally submissive to me. She accepted what I wanted to give her— the Dom in me had found my muse, and it was just one more reason we were perfect together.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“Oh I still cared about the sex, but it was very different now. The dominant needs in me had blossomed since finding Brynne, as if she was the catalyst. In fact, I knew she was. I wanted things with her that frightened me because I didn’t want— no, couldn’t bear to lose her over it.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In

“All in is forever, baby... When I reached for my girl and showed her how much I did indeed need her, and told her with words too, I knew then that the best gamble of my life had been not the cards I’d played but that one night on a London street, when a beautiful American girl tried to walk out in the dark, and I played the most important hand I’d ever been dealt and went . . . all in.”
― Raine Miller, quote from All In


About the author

Raine Miller
Born place: in Los Angeles, The United States
See more on GoodReads

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