Quotes from Just Visiting

Dahlia Adler ·  407 pages

Rating: (611 votes)

“How is it possible to feel such a strong connection with somebody but miss the most vital piece of information about him?”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

“When a friendship crumbles, there are only really two things that can bring it back: a shitload of time, or a sincere apology.”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

“I can't believe you just did that,: I say when I can finally breathe again.
"I can't believe I didn't do it before now," he counters.”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

“Its time to figure out what makes you happy and just do it. Worst comes to worst, you make a mistake and then you change paths. That's the best freaking part of being a teenager.”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

“I didn't know you could feel lucky for getting to hold a girl's hair back while she pukes into the bushes. I didn't know you could look at a girl and think, 'Jesus, I could fall so hard for you if you'd let me.”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

“And then I opened the door to my room and saw you standing there in the parking lot, in the rain, and I just thought, 'This. This is what the perfect time feels like. It's not about the milestones; its about the person.”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

“I drove five hours to see you once and I'll do it again and again and again if I have to. Just...I want to be with you. Wherever you decide to go, I'll come find you.”
― Dahlia Adler, quote from Just Visiting

About the author

Dahlia Adler
Born place: in NYC, The United States
Born date January 26, 2018
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