Quotes from Vampires are Forever

Lynsay Sands ·  371 pages

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“Have you tried to talk to her?"
"What would you like me to say Bastian? OH, I'M SORRY, INEZ. I DIDN'T MEAN TO BITE YOU, MY FANGS SLIPPED.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“Inez? I'm sorry I bit you," he said with sincere regret, and then inspiration made him add, "Bastien made me do it.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“There was another pause and then Bastien clucked and snapped, "Dammit, Thomas! Inez is one of my best employees."
He pulled the phone away from his ear to peer at it with disbelief, and then slapped it back to his head. "What the hell has that got to do with anything?"
"Well, if you had to find your lifemate, couldn't it have been someone else's employee. I'm going to lose her now. She'll want to be with you and come to Canada and--”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“I'd rather lose her from my life, but know she was alive and well than lose her altogether to death.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“I'm mortal. You really don't want me falling down stairs and breaking my neck."
"I'd catch you," he assured her solemnly. "I'll always be there to catch you, Inez.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“Have you talked to her?"
"What would you have had me say Bastien? Oh, I'm sorry Inez. I didn't mean to bite you, my fangs slipped.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“I'm mortal. You really don't want me falling down stairs and breaking my neck." "I'd catch you," he assured her solemnly. "I'll always be there to catch you, Inez.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“Inez, I’m sorry,” Thomas said quietly, his expression earnest. “I had no choice. You were dying, and besides you agreed to the turn the night before. Didn’t you?” He frowned and muttered, “Of course, it was right after you’d nearly drowned and you might not have really understood what was going on at the time. Do you even love me? You nodded to that too, but…” He raised his head and said solemnly, “I’m sorry if you’re upset about being turned, but I’m not sorry for doing it. Because whether you love me or not, Inez, I love you. You’re strong, and brilliant and sweet and have a strength I’ve never seen in other women. This last week you’ve done whatever was required of you to help find Marguerite without complaint or allowing fear to stop you, even going so far as being the bait in the trap.” He scowled and then admitted, “Though I have to say I thought that was rather foolish. I was really pissed at you for putting your life at risk like that.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“Thomas,” Inez interrupted with exasperation. “I’m trying to tell you I love you.” “You do?” he asked, a smile spreading halfway across his face. “But then why did you tell Terri that you wanted to delay the turn?” “It wasn’t you. It was because of the pain involved,” she said with a grimace and then admitted, “I don’t like pain, Thomas. I mean I’m practically phobic about it. My whole life, I’ve avoided any situation that might involve pain. My dentist even has to gas me to fill a cavity.” Inez shrugged unhappily. “I probably would have delayed and put it off as long as I possibly could if you hadn’t had to change me to save my life. In truth, Blondie probably did us both a favor by precipitating the events that forced you to turn me.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

“I hardly think my berating you wildly when I arrived at the hotel was subtle behavior.” “No?” Thomas grinned. “You berated me in Portuguese. For all I knew you were telling me I was the sexiest thing you’d seen in your life.” “In your dreams,” Inez chuckled.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampires are Forever

About the author

Lynsay Sands
Born place: Leamington, Canada
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