Quotes from Until I Die

Amy Plum ·  353 pages

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“Still in one piece?” Vincent teased, pulling me close & planting a soft kiss on my lips. “After dirty-dancing with Jules, I’m not sure.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Kate, I admit that we aren’t in the easiest of situations. But are you always this . . . complicated?”
I opened my mouth to say something, but Vincent shook his head, grinning. “Actually, don’t answer that. Of course you are. I wouldn’t be so totally into you if you weren’t.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“And I've got THIS," I pulled out the signum and held it up for him to see, "that says I'm kindred. And I've got THIS," I pointed at my head, "that says I'm as smart as you. And I have THIS," I held up my middle finger, "that says go to hell, you immortal bigot."
And with that I spun around and stomped out the door, filing the expression on Arthur's face in a mental folder labeled "Kate's Proudest Moments".”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“As Jules kissed my cheeks he whispered, “She has nothing on you, of course, Kates. It’s just that you’re so very…taken.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“The day I stop seeing you as one of the strongest people I know is the day I wake up human.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“All this yummy muscleness first thing in the morning is almost too much for me to take,” she cooed, and gave him a playful wink as she scooted herself into the front seat. I shook my head. If “Flirt” qualified as a foreign language, my sister and Ambrose would both have PhDs in it.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“A few Paris blocks away I led a completely normal life with my sister & grandparents. And here I was sword fighting with dead guys.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Now that you are here--now that we're together-- I can't imagine going back to the life I had before. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you now. I love you too much. ~Vincent Delacroix, Until I Die (ARC), Amy Plum p. 71”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“How’s your dance card look?” “Double-check your century Jules. No dance cards.” Jules shrugged & gave me his most flirtatious smile.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“But now I have something that blows that feeling out of the water. Every time I need a hit of joy, I think about you. You are my solace, Kate. Just knowing that you are in this world, everything makes sense. p. 275 Until I Die (ARC)”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“How about I take you to my studio? Much less dangerous. Plus, I need a model and you could sit for me."
"You want me to sit for a portrait?" I asked stunned.
"Actually, at the moment I'm concentrating on full-length nudes, in the spirit of Modigliani," Jules said. He was making an effort to keep a straight face. "Just kidding, Kates. You're a lady."
Jules was trying the guilt-trip method of attack. And it was working.
"Ok I'll pose for you," I conceded. "But under no circumstances will any article of clothing leave my body whilst I am in your studio."
"And if you're elsewhere?" he asked, breaking into a sly smile.
I rolled my eyes.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Kate: “Oh, please, Vincent. We’re in the middle of a major tourist site. Père Lachaise cemetary is practically Disneyland for the Dead. It’s not some Buffy soundstage with vampires rising out of the ground every time someone turns around.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Natural talent!" crowed Vincent, sweeping my sweaty self up into his arms and pacing across the room, holding me like a trophy. "Of course my girlfriend's got it. In truckloads! How else could she have slain a giant evil zombie, single-handedly saving my undead body?”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Those are pretty," She commented, leaning down to smell the flowers.
"They're from Violette," I said, watching for her reaction.
"They look like weeds," she replied, straightening.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Sorry I'm not your boyfriend. And I mean that in all sorts of ways.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Kate, I honestly don't know how Vincent puts up with you. You are... infuriating.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Gaspard eyed me cautiously. “I really can’t say,” he responded in his formal nineteenth-century style. Can’t, or won’t? I thought.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Before I saw you, I hadn’t cared for anyone for . . . well, for the good part of a century, and it felt like my heart had been permanently disconnected. I wasn’t even looking anymore. And without expecting anything . . . without any hope at all, suddenly you were here.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“Personally, I'm happy I haven't run into a murderous killer since, well...since you chopped my ex's head off with a sword.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“It hadn’t escaped my attention that I preferred to spend time with the undead rather than the living. I tried not to think about what that said about me.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“We stood in the graveyard, among the tombstones, forty-some dead people and me. A couple of my fellow funeral-goers had even been in their own coffins, deep under several feet of French soil.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“So I figured I might as well see if I could find something Gaspard didnt already know about. Like an herb or potion or something."

"Hmm," said Georgia, looking off into some invisible dreamworld. "Or maybe bathing naked in the Seine under the light of a full moon"- she glanced up quickly- "in which case, definitely tell me when and where your voodoo's going down!”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“May I guess this has something to do with the particularly hot undead guy you suck face with on a regular basis?”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“And I've got this"- I pulled out the signum and held it out for him to see-"that says I am kindred.And I've got this"-I pointed at my head-"that says I am as smart as you.And I have this"-I held up my middle finger-"that says go to hell, you immortal bigot.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“I was whole in and of myself, but better than whole with him.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“I've always felt that any establishment that doesn't welcome me with open arms doesn't deserve my patronage.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

“But now I have something that blows that feeling out of the water. Every time I need a hit of joy, I think about you. You are my solace, Kate. Just knowing that you are in this world, everything makes sense.”
― Amy Plum, quote from Until I Die

About the author

Amy Plum
Born place: Portland, The United States
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