Quotes from Turned

Morgan Rice ·  150 pages

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“it physical To walk unbraced and suck up the humors Of the dank morning? What, is Brutus sick, And will he steal out of his wholesome bed To dare the vile contagion of the night?” --William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“Apretó su diario, lo único que la hacía sentir real. La había acompañado a todos los lugares. Lo usaba para hacer notas y dibujos en todos los sitios a donde iba; era el mapa de su niñez.”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“Is it physical To walk unbraced and suck up the humors Of the dank morning? What, is Brutus sick, And will he steal out of his wholesome bed To dare the vile contagion of the night?” --William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“A smaller bitespan than he would have guessed. It’s a she.”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“And young. The teeth were not that deep. He”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“—Sí, mas lo importante no es la edad sino el talento —contestó Jonah—. Existe el talento común, y aparte, existe el talento. Para tenerlo, debes nacer con él, y además, necesitas practicar en serio. No solo cuatro horas al día sino ocho. Todos los días.”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“A pesar de que el viento soplaba con fuerza, ella ya no sintió frío, y aunque que todos los chicos gritaban mientras salían, el ruido no le afectó más. Se sentía viva y libre. El”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“his coven’s territory? It made his coven look bad—worse than bad. It made them look defenseless. The entire vampire race would convene and hold them to account. And if they didn’t find this rogue, it could mean an outright war. War at a time when they could not afford to have one, at just the moment they were”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“Sin embargo, lo que más le atemorizaba eran las miradas.”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“She took it all in and was completely, utterly, shocked. Vampires did exist. Was she one of them?”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“he would abandon her. Just like all the other guys in her life.”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

“Vampires did exist. Was she one of them?”
― Morgan Rice, quote from Turned

About the author

Morgan Rice
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