Quotes from Tunnel in the Sky

Robert A. Heinlein ·  262 pages

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“      "When a cat greets you, he makes a big operation of it, bumping, stropping your legs, buzzing like mischief. But when he leaves, he just walks off and never looks back. Cats are smart.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Tunnel in the Sky

“Gulliver's Travels sardonically proposed that Irish babies be fattened for English tables;”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Tunnel in the Sky

“PATRICK HENRY HIGH SCHOOL  Department of Social Studies   SPECIAL NOTICE to all students Course 410    (elective senior seminar) Advanced Survival, instr. Dr. Matson, 1712-A MWF   1. There will be no class Friday the 14th. 2. Twenty-Four Hour Notice is hereby given of final examination in Solo Survival. Students will present themselves for physical check at 0900 Saturday in the dispensary of Templeton Gate and will start passing through the gate at 1000, using three-minute intervals by lot. 3. TEST CONDITIONS: a) ANY planet, ANY climate, ANY terrain; b) NO rules, ALL weapons, ANY equipment; c) TEAMING IS PERMITTED but teams will not be allowed to pass through the gate in company; d) TEST DURATION is not less than forty-eight hours, not more than ten days. 4. Dr. Matson will be available for advice and consultation until 1700 Friday. 5. Test may be postponed only on recommendation of examining physician, but any student may withdraw from the course without administrative penalty up until 1000 Saturday. 6. Good luck and long life to you all!   (s) B. P. Matson, Sc.D.    Approved: J. R. Roerich, for the Board”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Tunnel in the Sky

“It was a belt canteen of flexible synthetic divided into half-litre pockets. The weight was taken by shoulder straps and a tube ran up the left suspender, ending in a nipple near his mouth, so that he might drink without taking it off.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Tunnel in the Sky

“Terra had climbed well beyond that which its”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Tunnel in the Sky

About the author

Robert A. Heinlein
Born place: in Butler, MO, The United States
Born date July 7, 1907
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