Quotes from The Wind Through the Keyhole

Stephen King ·  322 pages

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“What if I fall?', Tim cried.

Maerlyn laughed. 'Sooner or later, we all do.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“In the end, the wind takes everything, doesn't it? And why not? Why other? If the sweetness of our lives did not depart, there would be no sweetness at all.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“A person’s never too old for stories. Man and boy, girl and woman, we live for them. - Roland Deschain”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Time is a keyhole, he thought as he looked up at the stars. Yes, I think so. We sometimes bend and peer through it. And the wind we feel on our cheeks when we do - the wind that blows through the keyhole- is the breath of all the living universe.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Pray for rain all you like, but dig a well as you do it.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“It was not fair, it was not fair, it was not fair. So cried his child's heart, and then his child's heart died a little. For that is also the way of the world.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“There's nothing like stories on a windy night when folks have found a warm place in a cold world.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Time was a face on the water, and like the great river before them, it did nothing but flow.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“It hurt, of course, but more often than not the best things do, I've found.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The stories we hear in our childhood are the ones we remember all our lives.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The two most beautiful words in any language are  : I forgive.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The worst thing about wishes is that sometimes they come true”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Stories take a person away. If they're good ones, that is.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Look not long at what’s offered, for every precious thing has wings and may fly away.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The stories we hear in childhood are the ones we remember all our lives.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“I the sweetness of our lives did not depart, there would be no sweetness at all.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The only stupid question, my cullies, is the one you don't ask.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“He felt awe as he looked up at those stars, but also a deep and abiding contentment, such as he had felt as a child, awakening in the night, safe and warm beneath his quilt, drowsing half in and half out of sleep, listening to the wind sing its lonely song of other places and other lives.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“It hurt, of course, but more often than not the best things do, I’ve found. You wouldn’t think it could be so, but—as the oldtimers used to say—the world’s tilted, and there’s an end to it.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Before he said I was too old for stories.” “A person’s never too old for stories, Bill. Man and boy, girl and woman, never too old. We live for them.” “Do you say so?” “I do.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Once upon a bye, before your grandfather’s grandfather was born, on the edge of an unexplored wilderness called the Endless Forest, there lived a boy named Tim”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“A person’s never too old for stories, Bill. Man and boy, girl and woman, never too old. We live for them.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“It seemed to him that if the wrong man stepped into the marriage-loop with a woman, it was a noose instead of a ring.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“My heart was full of hate and love and regret-all those things that have haunted me ever since.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Tim Stoutheart was afraid, too,” I said. “But he went on. I expect you to do the same.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Tim stared at the steel rod in the gloved hand. "Is that a magic wand?"
The Covenant Man appeared to consider. "I suppose so. Although it started life as the gearshift of a Dodge Dart, America's economy car, young Tim."
"What's America?"
"A kingdom filled with toy-loving idiots. It has no part in our palaver.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“In the end, the wind takes everything, doesn’t it? And why not? Why other? If the sweetness of our lives did not depart, there would be no sweetness at all.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“Roland felt an unaccustomed sorrow rise up from his heart. Time was a face on the water, and like the great river before them, it did nothing but flow.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The feast I ate was rotten,
What I thought was a palace was a dungeon.”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole

“The stories we hear in childhood are the ones we remember all our lives. After”
― Stephen King, quote from The Wind Through the Keyhole


About the author

Stephen King
Born place: in Portland, Maine, The United States
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