Quotes from The Vincent Boys

Abbi Glines ·  260 pages

Rating: (67.9K votes)

“I was already headed for Hell, I might as well enjoy the ride.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“She started walking toward me and perfect white teeth caught her full bottom lip between them. I’d fantasized about those lips way too many times. She’d barely covered up her long tanned legs with a pair of shorts that made me want to go to church this Sunday just to thank God for creating her.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I was very aware that you were a girl, Ash. I was just scared because the one person in the world who knew every secret I'd ever had also happened to be the most beautiful girl I'd ever known. My feelings for you were scary as Hell.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Beau's gaze made my cheeks flush. A pleased grin touched his lips and I suddenly wanted to know how those lips would feel pressed against mine. I couldn't take my eyes off them. Even when his smile vanished I continued staring at his mouth.
"You're gonna have to stop doing that Ash," Beau whispered huskily and closed the space between us. His body was suddenly pressed against mine. I managed to shake my fascination with his lips and gaze up into his eyes. He was staring down at me with a hungry gleam I wasn't accustomed to seeing. But I liked it. I liked it a lot.
"Ash, I'm trying real hard to be good. Good isn't my thing but Sawyers important to me. Please remember I've got limits and you studying my mouth like you want a taste is pushing me dangerously close to the edge of those limits.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Trouble can be a lot of fun. It's the straight and narrow that makes life tedious and boring.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“no one expected the preacher's daughter to sin, but they sure would love to catch me at it,”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“ If I'd ever taken the time to wonder about my soul being as black as this town seemed to believe, I knew the moment Ashton stepped out of her little white Jetta looking like an angel from Heaven that my soul was damned to Hell. ”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Hold onto me baby. I'm going to take care of you." The raspy need in his voice only made me more desperate.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“The heart wants who the heart wants. We can't help that.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I needed, I needed...you." "Don't tell me you need me." "But I can't help it. I do”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I know I’m doing something wrong and I feel guilty but neither of those things matter enough to make me stop”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“My heart may be black but it was still capable of heart failure.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Sitting here and waiting on her to calm down enough to tell me who I needed to go beat the shit out of for making her cry wasn’t easy.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“She'd barely covered up her long, tan legs in a pair of shorts that made me want to go to church on Sunday just to thank God for creating her.
- Beau”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I love you. I know the real you too. You think I don't but how easily you forget I was the one who bailed you out of trouble over and over again as kids. I didn't ask the perfect Ashton to be my girlfriend when I was fourteen years old. I asked the only Ash I'd ever known. You changed all on your own. I'm not going to lie. I was proud of the girl you had become. My world was complete. I had the perfect family, perfect girl, perfect future. I let myself forget the other girl you once were.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Just hold me please,” she replied.
I’d hold her forever if I could.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Beau’s arms slipped around my waist. I knew I should step away but I couldn’t make myself. This was home. Being in his arms like this was where I found peace.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Girl, there ain't a boy in this town who can hold a candle to Beau Vincent with his shirt off.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I can't do this Ash. It's killing me. Having you this close and not touching you is driving me insane. You're his Ash. You're his. You made your choice and I understand why you chose him. I don't hold it against you but dammit Ash it hurts”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Good because I want you too. Now. Forever. Just you”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“But Ash, I can't continue to want you from a distance. To love you and not have you. I'd end up in jail if anyone tried to touch you and God forbid you tried to date someone.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I want to rip his damn arms off his body Ash. Sawyer, who I'd do anything for. I want to hurt him. If he touches you again in front of me I'm going to crack. I can't take this”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Why couldn't I have just made it home without seeing them? I wasn't in the mood to play good freaking Samaritan to Beau and his trashy girlfriend.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Staying with him. Letting him touch you, hold you, GOD. It's eating me alive. You may be keeping Sawyer from hating me but you're only making me hate him”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“As I took a step toward him your eyes met mine and I saw the silent pleading for forgiveness or acceptance. I wasn't sure which. All I knew was you were Sawyer's now. My best friend was gone. I envied him and hated him for the first time that day. He'd finaly won the one prize I thought was mine.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Don't be sorry. Just try not to let him touch you. When he touches you I see red. I can't take it. I don't want to see him or anyone else touch you”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Saying things like that to me makes this so damn hard. I'll always be here for you. But don't tell me you need me.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Ash, I want you. Bad, very very bad. But you deserve better than this”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“Damn it Ash. I can't listen to that. I can't think about it. I can deal with denying myself what I need. What I want. But I can't deny you.”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

“I won't leave you but you need to go on up and say your goodbyes. I'll stand right here behind you," Beau whispered from beside me”
― Abbi Glines, quote from The Vincent Boys

About the author

Abbi Glines
Born place: in Birmingham, Alabama
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