Quotes from The Taker

Alma Katsu ·  438 pages

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“I’d always secretly believed that a love as fierce and true as mine would be rewarded in the end, and now I was being forced to accept the bitter truth.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“I´ve always wanted him to love me the way I loved him. He did love me, I know he did. Just not the way I wanted him to.

"And it´s so different for a lot of people I´ve known. One partner doesn´t love the other enough to stop drinking, or gambling, or running around with other women. One is the giver and one is the taker. The giver wishes the taker would stop."

"But the taker never changes," Luke says, though he wonders if this is always the case.

"Sometimes the giver has to let go, but sometimes you don´t. You can´t. I couldn´t give up on Jonathan. I seemed to be able to forgive him anything.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“We were arrogant and naive, thinking we knew what we felt then was love. Love can be a cheap emotion, lightly given, thought it didn´t seem so to me at the time. Looking back, I know we were only filling in the holes in our soles, the way the tide rushes sand to fill in the crevices of a rocky shore. We-or maybe it was just I-bandaged our needswith what we declared was love. But, eventually, the tide draws out what it has swept in.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“A man´s desire is a powerful thing. It can reduce a strong man to nothing. When he sees a woman who fascinates him, he will give up everything for her.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“The true measure of a man is how he behaves when death is close.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“Have you ever been in love with someone so badly that you’d do anything for them? That no matter what you want, you want their happiness more?”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“She was telling me that I had a life of disappointment before me if I continued to love him as I did. A love that is too strong can turn poisonous and bring great unhappiness. And then, what is the remedy? Can you unlearn your heart's desire? Can you stop loving someone? Easier to drown yourself; easier to take the lover's leap.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“There is not only one measure of beauty, Lanore. Everyone adores the red rose, and yet it is a common sort of beauty. You are like a golden rose, a rare bloom but no less lovely.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“I've come to warn you, too. It's a dangerous game you're playing. There's a reason the rest of us maintain a distance from Adair, and we've learned our lesson the hard way. But now you've shown him love and that's given him the notion that he is deserving of such devotion. Did you ever think that perhaps the only thing that holds the devil in check is that he knows how despised he his? Even the devil longs for sympathy at times, but sympathy for the devil is fuel for the flame. Your love will embolden him--likely in a way that will bring you regret.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“Onu sevmek de, sevmemek de umutsuzdu...
Bu da bir lanet değilse, başka nedir, bilmiyorum.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“And it´s so different for a lot of people I´ve known. One partner doesn´t love the other enough to stop drinking, or gambling, or running around with other women. One is the giver and one is the taker. The giver wishes the taker would stop”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“One is the giver and one is the taker. The giver wishes the taker would stop.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker

“Sometimes the worst tidings come as an absence. A friend who does not visit at the usual time, and who quickly thereafter withdraws from the friendship. An awaited letter that does not arrive, followed at some distance by news of an untimely death.”
― Alma Katsu, quote from The Taker


About the author

Alma Katsu
Born place: The United States
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