Quotes from Geek High

Piper Banks ·  256 pages

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“7.Remain calm and poised at all times, just like Audrey Hepburn;”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

“I hadn't known my dad could get so competitive over an auction. It was
probably a good thing he hadn't yet discovered eBay.”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

“2.Stop obsessing about the size of my nose. Yes, it’s freakishly large, but since there’s nothing I can do about that, it’s time I came to terms with it;
3. Avoid mirrors, so as not to be reminded of my nose;”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

“You look”—amazing, incredible, eminently kissable—“fine,” I finished weakly.”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

“Hiding the book in my lap, I’d lose myself in stories of dashing buccaneers falling in love with beautiful heiresses. I did this with no guilt whatsoever—I figured the books filled in the gaping holes left by the cut-and-dried sex-ed unit we covered in health class.”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

“Living all alone! The freedom! Rather than being known as the Human Calculator, I’d be That Really Cool Chick Who Lives by Herself and Plays the Guitar Just Like Jewel!
Or I’m sure they’d say that if I actually played the guitar”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

“Finn said he’s only coming back to be a subversive influence within the school. I had no idea what he meant by that, but I had to admit . . . it made me a little nervous. It’s never wise to underestimate Finn. He’s not the most morally centered person in the world.”
― Piper Banks, quote from Geek High

About the author

Piper Banks
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