Quotes from The Sunflower

Richard Paul Evans ·  334 pages

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“Chocolate is God's apology for brocolli”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“Love is never convenient-and rarely painless”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“Feelings can be like wild animals-we underrate how fierce they are until we've opened their cage”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“We carry around in our heads these pictures of what our lives are supposed to look like, painted by the brush of out intentions. It's the great, deep secret of humanity that in the end none of our lives look the way we thought they would. As much as we wish to believe otherwise, most of life is a reaction to circumstances.”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“We spend our life building higher fences and stronger locks, when the gravest dangers are already inside”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“I don't want to go to Peru."
How do you know? You've never been there."
I've never been to hell either and I'm pretty sure I don't want to go there.”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“such fickle days of love when pain and ecstasy share the same hour”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“Днес чух една американска тийнейджърка да казва, че е също толкова ощетена, колкото и нашите деца, защото родителите й можели да й купят само стара кола. Няма по бедни от онези, които не осъзнават изобилието на своя живот.”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“The surest way to minimize your own burdens is to carry someone else's.”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

“As much as I have schemed and planned to the contrary, the most central experinces of my life have all been accidents.”
― Richard Paul Evans, quote from The Sunflower

About the author

Richard Paul Evans
Born place: in Salt Lake City, Utah, The United States
Born date October 11, 1962
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