Quotes from The Proposition

Katie Ashley ·  316 pages

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“Emma pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Okay, here’s a really bad analogy for you. Aidan is like the Indy 500 of Sex, and I need someone who is more—”

“Bumper cars?” Casey asked.

“I was going to say the slow lane, smartass.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Is this one of those contracts like in that kinky book where we outline what we're willing to do or not do during sex? Like our hard limits and safe words?”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Have you ever wanted something so bad you think you’d die if you don’t have it? That the mere thought of it keeps you up at night. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you can’t drink. You are so consumed by that desire nothing else matters, and you’re not sure life is worth living if you can’t have it.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Why does everything have to be so damn hard on me? Women everywhere can drop their panties and have mindless sex, but no, not me! I have to get emotionally invested in a douchenozzle who is only willing to knock me up for his own pleasure!”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“A MWF sex schedule? How efficient," he mused.
"Please be serious."
A wicked grin flashed on his face. "Fine, pencil me in. I'll be ready and erect whenever you need me.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Drawing in a deep breath, she smacked his bare ass. Hard. "Aidan Fitzgerald, you better fuck me like you mean it!”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“You see I've been taking these tests to tell when I'm ovulating and when I'm mostfertile. And well...it's now."

"Oh, so you came up here for a fuck?"

Emma cringed. "Do you always have to be so crude?"

He chuckled. "I'm sorry. Would you prefer I call it an afternoon delight?" he teased.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Damn, are these Scooby Doo?"
She giggled. "I wasn't expecting company, and I have a slight obsession from growing up with the old cartoon."
"They almost killed my hard on."
She slid her hand between them and then quirked her eyebrows. "Seems fine to me.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“So what you’re saying is Nate isn’t sex on a stick?” Emma asked.

Casey chuckled. “Nate is barely sex on a low fat wheat-thin. But I sowed a few wild oats back in my day, so I’m totally satisfied with what I have.” She bent over to grab up her abandoned container and silverware. Waving her fork at Emma, she said, “You, on the other hand, have a bag of oats needing satisfying.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “Let’s leave my oats out of this please.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Emma leaned over to where their faces were only inches apart. “Since you think you know everything, tell me if you understand this. Have you ever wanted something so bad you think you’d die if you don’t have it? That the mere thought of it keeps you up at night. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you can’t drink. You are so consumed by that desire nothing else matters, and you’re not sure life is worth living if you can’t have it.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“I’m talking about a little proposition for us both to get something we really, really want. I give a little, and you give a little.”--Aidan”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“While Emma pressed the unlock button on her key fob, Aidan started walking away, but then he stopped. He turned back and shook his head. “Oh f*ck it.” Taking Emma totally off guard, he shoved her against the car. He wrapped his arms around her waist, jerking her flush against him. Electricity tingled through her at his touch, and his scent invaded her nostrils, making her feel lightheaded.
She squirmed in his arms. “What are you—”
He silenced her by leaning over and crushing his lips against hers. She protested by pushing her hands against his chest, but the warmth of his tongue sliding open her lips caused her to feel weak. Her arms fell limply at her sides.
Aidan’s hands swept from her waist and up her back. He tangled his fingers through her long hair as his tongue plunged in her mouth, caressing and teasing Emma’s. Her hands left her side to wrap around his neck, drawing him even closer to her. God, it had been so very long since someone had kissed her, and it had taken Travis a week to get up the nerve to kiss her like this. Aidan was hot and heavy right out of the gate.
Using his hips, Aidan kept her pinned against the car as he kept up his assault on her mouth. Just when she thought she couldn’t breathe and might pass out, he released her lips. Staring down at her with eyes hooded and drunk with desire, Aidan smiled. “Maybe that will help you with your decision.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Yeah, that's right. You're stuck with me now, and I don't have a nice rack for you to snuggle up to.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“I didn’t expect to see you, Mr. Fitzgerald,” she said, meekly.

A grin slunk across his face. “No, I imagine you were expecting to get to castrate Connor.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“He scooted his chair so close to hers that she fought the urge to back away. She gulped at his nearness. The lustful gleam flashing in his eyes made him like the Big Bad Wolf looming over her. “How much plainer can I make it for you? You were so damn sexy in that green dress. Your hair was down and fell in waves around your shoulders. And you kept giving me those innocent little smiles from across the room.” His breath scorched against her cheek before he whispered into her ear. “I’ve never wanted to fuck someone so much as I wanted to you.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” …
When Aidan snickered at Grammy’s admonishment, Emma nudged him in the stomach with her elbow. “Don’t make me tell her the way to your heart is through your dick,” she whispered.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Whenever I attempt to do something, I intend to do it well and give it all I have. And that includes knocking you up.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Was it the thought of seeing me naked that finally sealed the deal?”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Damn, I’m proud to call you my best friend. You’re so strong and resilient with all you’ve been through, and then deciding to have a baby on your own like this. You’re my own little Steel Magnolia.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Desire burned in his eyes as he brought his hands up and laced his fingers around the back of his head. “Okay then. I’m all yours, babe. All you have to do is take me.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Well, I did a little research, and I found out that boxers are better for the balls and sperm counts.”

“I see,” she replied, fighting the flush that was creeping across her cheeks.

“Yeah, the article says it seems to help the swimmers with their mobility, and we want Olympic Gold this time around.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Since you think you know everything, tell me if you understand this. Have you ever wanted something so bad you think you’d die if you didn’t have it? That the mere thought of it keeps you up at night. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you can’t drink. You are so consumed by that desire nothing else matters, and you’re not sure life is worth living if you can’t have it.”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“Star gazing in a hammock? That sounds like a bad romance novel cliche!”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“You can consider yourself forewarned that there will be no more Mr. Nice Guy!”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition

“strand of auburn hair out of her face and tried smoothing it back into the knot at the base of her neck. Yes, this is exactly what I would want for my baby shower…if I ever get to have one. A stabbing pain entered her heart before crisscrossing its way through”
― Katie Ashley, quote from The Proposition


About the author

Katie Ashley
Born place: Atlanta, The United States
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