Quotes from The Murder Complex

Lindsay Cummings ·  398 pages

Rating: (7.6K votes)

“We're all good until we're not strong enough to be anymore.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“Count to three. Relax your mind. Now survive.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“Until they rip us apart, and even then, I'll fight.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“I swallow hard. She's right. But if something happens to her, I'll never forgive myself. "Then I'll let you go," I say, and lean forward to cut the bindings. "But... you owe me something first."
'And that is?" She's still staring up at the sky.
"A kiss" I say.
Her eyes never meet mine.
"Well?" I ask.
She nods and smiles, finally throwing me a stare that's as deadly as poison "You can kiss my ass, Zephyr James.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“So now, when three Landers, members of a street gang, approach me in the back alley behind the Library, knives drawn, the silver barrel of a gun pointed at my heart, I know I am ready.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“I remember the one thing I have always known all along. I am not my mother’s daughter. I do not run from fear, but dive into it headfirst, the way my father taught me.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“...he still knows how to love, and how to be soft, in a world full of hate.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“Ela não é bonita.É diferente,rígida e intocável,como se tivesse sido esculpida em pedra.No entanto faz com que eu mantenha a minha sanidade quando mais nada resulta.É como se ela me pusesse os pés bem na terra,como a gravidade,só que com muito mais força.Ela protege-me das pessoas sem rosto que me perseguem todas as noites e a cada instante do meu dia.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“A imagem do seu rosto,com um sorriso estranhamente imperfeito e olhos de esmeralda atormentam-me o resto do dia.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“...seria capaz de fazer tudo por esta rapariga.Até a seguia para o Inferno se tal fosse preciso.E,conhecendo-a,é talvez para aí que nos dirigimos.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“Inclina-se para a frente,com os olhos acesos como brasas,e põe as mãos em volta da minha cara.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“No one has ever looked at me this way before, like I am something worth seeing”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex

“O sorriso nunca desaparece do rosto de Zephyr.
Quando volta a si,momentos depois,puxo-o mais para mim e esmago os meus lábios nos dele.”
― Lindsay Cummings, quote from The Murder Complex


About the author

Lindsay Cummings
Born place: in The United States
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