Quotes from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

Dave Pelzer ·  340 pages

Rating: (52.1K votes)

“You have to understand that in a person's life there are a few precious moments in which decisions, choices that you make now, will affect you for the rest of your life.”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“David what your mother did to you was wrong. Verry wrong.No child deserves to be treated like that. She's sick.”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“I just don't want to forget this first day of the rest of my life!”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“well, young man," the judge began, what it biols down to this if the court so desires and if you belive that your home setting is undesirable... you may return and desire with your mother at your home residents”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“The first two ultimate rules of being a foster child that I had learned while at Aunt Mary’s were never to become too attached to anyone and never to take someone’s home for granted.”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“bent down in front of the vent and turned my head, coughing from the dark smoke. A small, red orange fire began to take form. In a flash I grabbed the can of lighter fluid”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“lets go of my ear and opens the front door. “Get out!” she screeches. “Get out of my house! I don’t like you! I don’t want you! I never loved you! Get the hell out of my house!” I freeze. I’m not sure of this game. My brain begins to spin with all the options of what Mother’s real intentions may be. To survive, I have to think ahead. Father steps in front of me. “No!” he cries out. “That’s”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

“Children who had difficulty in learning basic skills were to be given special instruction to remedy those weak or unlearned skills.”
― Dave Pelzer, quote from The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search For The Love Of A Family

About the author

Dave Pelzer
Born place: in Daly City, California, The United States
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