Quotes from The Inheritors

William Golding ·  240 pages

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“Who would sharpen a point aginst the darkness of the world?”
― William Golding, quote from The Inheritors

“Out of the firelight everything was black and silver, black island, rocks and trees carved cleanly out of the sky and silver river with a flashing light rippling back and forth along the lip of the fall.”
― William Golding, quote from The Inheritors

“The moon was through to the sunset side of the gap, but its light was hardly noticeable on the earth for the ruddy brilliance of the firelight.”
― William Golding, quote from The Inheritors

“Lok was running as fast as he could. His head was down and he carried his thorn bush horizontally for balance and smacked the drifts of vivid buds aside with his free hand.”
― William Golding, quote from The Inheritors

“A successful novel should erase the boundary line between writer and reader, so they can unite. When that happens, the novel becomes a part of life—the main course, not the dessert. A successful novel should interrupt the reader’s life, make him or her miss appointments,”
― William Golding, quote from The Inheritors

About the author

William Golding
Born place: in St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, The United Kingdom
Born date September 19, 1911
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