“Creativity requires a state of grace. So many things are required for it to succeed.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“I know now, what I didn’t then, that affection can’t always be expressed in calm, orderly, articulate ways; and that one cannot prescribe the form it should take for anyone else.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Nem látja, hogy rám hiába villog, nekem senki se kell, aki nem tökéletesen az enyém? Maga mindenkit berakna egy dobozba, aztán mikor ki kell, azt veszi elő, ez itt a barátnőm, ez az unokatestvérem, ez az öreg keresztanyám, ez a szerelmem, ez az orvosom, ez a préselt virág Rhodosz szigetéről, na, hagyjon engem békén. Ha egyszer nem leszek, majd nézzen ki olykor a temetőbe, az elég, ha nem vállaltam azt az embert barátnak, mert férjnek óhajtottam, maga se játssza itt nekem azt, hogy maga az én meg nem született gyermekem.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Пийте си кафето, какво сте зяпнали, не само вие сте била влюбена.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“She was lonely. Who isn't lonely, I'd like to know? And that includes people who do have someone but just haven't noticed.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Нищо не ми идваше наум, аз само върху листа хартия знам какво да правя, в реалния живот трудно намирам правилните думи.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“We were both wrong: she who put her faith in me, and I who thought too well of myself.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Creativity requires a state of grace. So many things are required for it to succeed—stimulus and composure, inner peace and a kind of bitter-sweet excitement.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“She also demanded of me that, in my art, it should be real passion and not machinery that moved the branches. That was a major gift, the greatest of her bequests.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“God usually ignored us when asked for something, but he invariably granted what we feared.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Fáradt vagy, mert főzöl, és takarítasz, és vásárolsz, és nem sikerül senkit se találnod, akit elviselsz a közeledben, mert nem valakit keresel te, hanem azt az egyetlent, aki soha többé nem jön el hozzád, Emerencet.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Once again her face changed. She was like someone standing in strong sunlight on a mountain top, looking back down the valley from which she had emerged and trembling with the memory still in her bones of the length and nature of the road she had travelled, the glaciers and forded rivers, the weariness and danger, and conscious of how far she still had to go.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Emerence was spontaneously good, unthinkingly generous, able to reveal her orphaned condition only to another orphan, but never giving voice to her utter loneliness.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“I was still rather young, and I hadn't thought it through, how irrational, how unpredictable is the attraction between people, how fatal its current.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Nem hal meg olyan könnyen az ember, ezt tanulja meg, csak majdnem, aztán
később olyan okos lesz attól, amit kiállott, hogy azt kívánja, bár még egyszer buta
lehetne, tökbuta.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“The old woman was interested only in giving, and if anyone tried to surprise her with something, she never smiled, she flew into a rage.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“...mondtam, olyan botrány még nem volt, mint amilyen lesz a Parlamentben, ha én ott megjelenek, mit gondol, érdekel engem, mit tervezett, szőtt ott magában meg a barátaival, miközben én szerettem, ő meg nem szeretett? Szerettem őt. Hallja? Nem a fejit, a tudományát, mert az vitte el tőlem, az a nagyokos feje, tele tannal [...] Olyan bátor volt, életerős, olyan vidám, mint aki nem hal meg soha. És az a rengeteg könyv meg az a végtelen tudomány! Ki akarta azt mind megtanulni, feleljen?”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Books formed the basis of my world, my unit of measure was the printed word,”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“In my student days, I detested Schopenhauer. Only later did I come to acknowledge the force of his idea that every relationship involving personal feeling laid one open to attack, and the more people I allowed to become close to me, the greater the number of ways in which I was vulnerable.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“If there's no-one to show pleasure when you come home, then it's better not to live.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Writing isn’t an easy taskmaster. Sentences left unfinished never continue as well as they had begun. New ideas bend the main arch of the text, and it never again sits perfectly true. Anyway,”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Едното му око беше синьо, другото – зелено, и с всяко от тях така умееше да гледа, че без мяу да каже, човек разбираше какво иска. Но на Полет това не ѝ било достатъчно, не било човек, като че ли не сме животни всичките, просто сме по-несъвършени в сравнение с тях, те не могат ни донесение да направят, нито да наклеветят, и ако откраднат, ще е с причина, защото не могат да отидат до магазина или кръчмата. Как ли не я молих да го приеме, въпреки че не ѝ е подходящ срещу самотата, сираче е, някой проклетник го е изхвърлил, самичко е и без дом ще умре, още е толкова мъничък. Не, не и не, на нея ѝ трябвало човек. Добре, да си го купи на пазара, защото в квартала друго няма, само ние и котката.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“… обичта е отговорност, всъщност опасна и рискова страст.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“We looked after her. But she wanted something else, something more, I don’t know what. She didn’t even want the kitten, although I would have fed it too. That was the limit. Why did she never stop whining? If someone can’t be helped, then they don’t want help.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“When the sands run out for someone, don’t stop them going. You can’t give them anything to replace life. Do you think I didn’t love Polett? That it meant nothing to me when she’d had enough and wanted out? It’s just that, as well as love, you also have to know how to kill. It won’t do you any harm to remember that. Ask your God — since you’re on such good terms with him — what Polett told him when they finally met.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Don’t think that when you come with the injection they won’t already know what’s going to happen. But you needn’t feel sorry for a single one. Being put down is more merciful than being cast out and going stray, with all its perils. Feed them full of meat before you finish them off. None of them are used to meat, and if you add a little sedative, you won’t even have to chase them.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“A képek mindent tudnak, legjobban azt, amit leginkább próbálok elfelejteni, ami már nem álom. Hogy egyszer, életemben egyetlenegyszer nem az alvás agyvérszegénységében, hanem valóságban is feltárult énelőttem egy ajtó, amelyet akkor se nyitott volna ki, aki odabenn magányát és tehetetlen nyomorúságát védte, ha már ropog is feje fölött az égő háztető. Azt a zárat csak nekem állt hatalmamban megmozdítani: aki a kulcsot megforgatta, jobban hitt nekem, mint az Istennek, és én is azt hittem magamról abban a végzetes percben, isten vagyok, bölcs, megfontolt, jó és racionális. Tévedtünk mind a ketten, az is, aki bízott bennem, és én is, aki elbíztam magamat.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Emerence understood nothing of this. She rejected it. Like the leader of some primitive tribe she flew her standard — a sequinned evening dress — against the banner of the Lamb of God. The old woman opposed the church with an almost sixteenth-century fanaticism; not only the priesthood, but God himself and all the biblical characters, with the single exception of Joseph, whom she revered for his occupation: her own father had been a carpenter.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Bátran éltem idáig, remélem, meghalni is így fogok, bátran és hazugság nélkül, de ennek az a feltétele, hogy kimondjam: én öltem meg Emerencet. Ezen az se módosít, hogy nem elpusztítani akartam, hanem megmenteni.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Quando a casa nostra scoprì il funzionamento del magnetofono, capì che si potevano riascoltare parole e brani di musica, una volta me ne parlò, si domandò che cosa succederebbe se si potesse registrare la vita di un uomo, fissarla su un nastro per poter tornare indietro, fermarla, ripeterla a piacimento. Lei avrebbe accettato la sua, disse, così com'era e come sarebbe stata fino al giorno della morte, ma alla condizione di poter ripetere ciò che voleva.”
― Magda Szabó, quote from The Door
“Robin was a great kid. Smarter than her father at eight years old. She liked the oddest things. Like the instructions for a toy more than the toy itself. The credits of a movie instead of the movie. The way something was written. An expression on my face. Once she told me I looked like the sun to her, because of my hair. I asked her if I shined like the sun, and she told me, ‘No, Daddy, you shine more like the moon, when it’s dark outside.”
― Josh Malerman, quote from Bird Box
“The joy I feel is immense; it burns inside me as though I have swallowed a piece of the sun.”
― Edith Pattou, quote from East
“Swinburne, by the way, when a very young man, had gone to Walter Savage Landor, then a very old man, and been given the poet’s blessing he asked for; and Landor when a child had been patted on the head by Dr Samuel Johnson; and Johnson when a child had been taken to London to be touched by Queen Anne for scrofula, the King’s evil; and Queen Anne when a child...”
― Robert Graves, quote from Goodbye to All That
“The last thing Helen thought before she drifted off after him was that she’d slept on a beach like this before with another boy. But this time there was no Helen-shaped dent for her to fit inside.”
― Josephine Angelini, quote from Goddess
“ (...) - Zacharias - disse assim que atenderam.
Matthias, o sacana, riu baixinho.
- Juro que falo mais contigo do que com a minha própria mãe.
- Não sabia que tinhas uma. Pensei que tinhas saído de um ovo. (...)”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Covet
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