Quotes from The Divan

Hafez ·  566 pages

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“There are different wells within your heart.
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far too deep for that.

In one well
You have just a few precious cups of water,
That "love" is literally something of yourself,
It can grow as slow as a diamond
If it is lost.

Your love
Should never be offered to the mouth of a
Only to someone
Who has the valor and daring
To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife
Then weave them into a blanket
To protect you.

There are different wells within us.
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far, far too deep
For that.”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“Beloved,/ I am so glad,/ So very glad You have come.”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“I wish I could show you,
When you are lonely or in darkness,

The Astonishing Light
Of your own Being!”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“ز دست جور تو گفتم ز شهر خواهم رفت
به خنده گفت که حافظ برو که پای تو بست”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“ما آزموده ایم در این شهر بخت خویش
بیرون کشید باید از این ورطه رخت خویش...”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“In times of youth, drinking is better.
With the joyful, linking is better.
The world is a mere temporal inn;
With the shipwrecked, sinking is better.”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“دمی با غم به سر بردن جهان یک سر نمی‌ارزد
به می بفروش دلق ما کز این بهتر نمی‌ارزد

به کوی می فروشانش به جامی بر نمی‌گیرند
زهی سجاده تقوا که یک ساغر نمی‌ارزد

رقیبم سرزنش‌ها کرد کز این باب رخ برتاب
چه افتاد این سر ما را که خاک در نمی‌ارزد

شکوه تاج سلطانی که بیم جان در او درج است
کلاهی دلکش است اما به ترک سر نمی‌ارزد

چه آسان می‌نمود اول غم دریا به بوی سود
غلط کردم که این طوفان به صد گوهر نمی‌ارزد

تو را آن به که روی خود ز مشتاقان بپوشانی
که شادی جهان گیری غم لشکر نمی‌ارزد

چو حافظ در قناعت کوش و از دنیی دون بگذر
که یک جو منت دونان دو صد من زر نمی‌ارزد”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“چــون غـــمـت را نتـوان یافت مگر در دلِ شــاد

...مـا به امـّـیـدِ غــمـت خـاطــرِ شــادی طــلبـیم”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“نگارم دوش در مجلس به عزم رقص چون برخاست
گره بگشود از ابرو و بر دل‌های یاران زد”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“من ترک عشق شاهد و ساغر نمی‌کنم
صد بار توبه کردم و ديگر نمی‌کنم
باغ بهشت و سايه طوبی و قصر و حور
با خاک کوی "دوست" برابر نمی‌کنم ”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“با دلارامی مرا خاطر خوش است
کز دلم یک باره برد آرام را”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“بشنو این نکته که خود را ز غم آزاده کنی

خون خوری گر طلب روزی ننهاده کنی

آخرالامر گل کوزه گران خواهی شد

حالیا فکر سبو کن که پر از باده کنی

گر از آن آدمیانی که بهشتت هوس است

عیش با آدمی ای چند پری زاده کنی

تکیه بر جای بزرگان نتوان زد به گزاف

مگر اسباب بزرگی همه آماده کنی

اجرها باشدت ای خسرو شیرین دهنان

گر نگاهی سوی فرهاد دل افتاده کنی

خاطرت کی رقم فیض پذیرد هیهات

مگر از نقش پراگنده ورق ساده کنی

کار خود گر به کرم بازگذاری حافظ

ای بسا عیش که با بخت خداداده کنی

ای صبا بندگی خواجه جلال الدین کن

که جهان پرسمن و سوسن آزاده کنی”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“ما در پیاله عکس رخ یار دیده‌ایم
ای بی خبر ز لذت شرب مدام ما

هرگز نمیرد آنکه دلش زنده شد به عشق
ثبت است در جریده‌ی عالم دوام ما”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“ماجرای من و معشوق مرا پایان نیست
هرچه آغاز ندارد نپذیرد انجام”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“مِی خور که هر که آخر کار جهان بدید از غم سبک برآمد و رَطل گران گرفت
بر برگِ گُل به خونِ شقایق نوشته‌اند
کآن کس که پخته شد می چون ارغوان گرفت”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“ناصحم گفت که جز غم چه هنر دارد عشق
گفتم ای خواجه عاقل هنری بهتر از این”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“Son yatacağı yer bir iki avuç topraktan ibaret olan kişiye de ki: Sarayını, çardağını göklere kadar yükseltmeye ne hacet var?" Hafız-ı Şirazî”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“The Garden of Paradise may be pleasant, but forget not the shade of the willow-tree and the fair margin of the fruitful field.” “Now,”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

چشم آسایش که دارد از سپهر تیزرو
ساقیا جامی به من ده تا بیاسایم دمی
زیرکی را گفتم این احوال بین خندید و گفت
صعب روزی، بوالعجب کاری، پریشان عالمی
در طریق عشقبازی امن و آسایش بلاست
ریش باد آن دل که با درد تو خواهد مرهمی
اهل کام و ناز را در کوی رندی راه نیست
رهروی باید جهان سوزی نه خامی بی غمی
آدمی در عالم خاکی نمی آید به دست
عالمی از نو بباید ساخت وز نو آدمی
گریه ی حافظ چه سنجد پیش استغنای عشق
کاندرین دریا نماید هفت دریا شبنمی ”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“چو منصور از مراد آنان که بردارند بردارند
بدین درگاه حافظ را چو میخوانند می رانند

در این حضرت چو مشتاقان نیاز آرند ناز آرند
که با این درد اگر در بند درمانند درمانند”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“If at last thou attain the desire of thy life, Cast the world aside, yea, abandon it!”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“Fear not to follow with pious feet the corpse of Hafiz, for though he was drowned in the ocean of sin, he may find a place in paradise.”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“Bhagaradgitah: He who knows himself in everything and everything in himself, will not injure himself by himself. This is the sum and tenor of all morality, and this is the standpoint of a man knowing himself a Brahman.”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

“For as you talk of God,
I see great parades with wildly colorful bands
Streaming from your mind and heart,
Carrying wonderful and secret messages
To every corner of this world.”
― Hafez, quote from The Divan

About the author

Born place: in Shiraz, Iran
Born date February 28, 1317
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“up for it, and I’m sorry. That’s not enough. You’re going to search until you find something, and you’re going to tell me. Right now. Sheri. Please. You do it now or we’re gone. You give me some way to have some sympathy for you as I stand in this nice house, all lovingly redone, and think about the broken house you left us in, with its leaky roof and no heat and no insulation and nothing. Tell your sob story about the fucking war, whatever it was that my mom thought you were so broken about. My grandfather closed his eyes. No story ever explains. But I’ll give you what you want. I think I know the moment you want, because I made a kind of decision. There was some change. But I can’t start the story at the beginning. I’ve never been able to do that. I have to start at the end and then go back, and it doesn’t finish, because you can go back forever. Do it, my mother said. I don’t think Caitlin should hear. She can hear. Okay. You’re her mother. That’s right. So I won’t give the awful details, but I was lying in a pile of bodies. My friends. The closest friends I’ve ever had. Not piled there on purpose, but just the way it ended up because I had been working on the axle, lying on the ground. And the thing is, the war was over. It had been over for days, and we were laughing and a bit drunk, telling jokes. There was something unbearable about the fact that we’d all be going our separate ways now. The truth is that we didn’t want to leave. We wanted the war over, but we didn’t want what we had together to be over. I think we all had some sense that this was the closest we’d ever be to anyone, and that our families might feel like strangers now. So that’s it? You couldn’t be a father and husband because you weren’t done being a buddy? No. No. It’s the way it happened, in a moment that was supposed to be safe. After every moment of every day in fear for years, we were finally safe, and that’s when the slugs came and I watched my friends torn apart and landing on me, dying. That’s the point. We were supposed to be safe. And with your mother, too, I was supposed to be safe. A wife, a family. The story doesn’t make any sense unless you know every moment before it, every time we thought we were going to die, all the times we weren’t safe. You can’t just be told about that. You have to feel it, how long one night can be, and then all of them put together, hundreds of nights and then more, and there’s a kind of deal that’s made, a deal with god. You do certain terrible things, you endure things, because there’s a bargain made. And then when god says the deal’s off later, after you’ve already paid, and you see your friends ripped through, yanked like puppets on a day that was safe, and you find out your wife is going to die young, and you get to watch her dying, something that again is going to be for years, hundreds of nights more, all deals are off.”
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