Quotes from The Crystal Shard

R.A. Salvatore ·  344 pages

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“I do not know why I care," Drizzt answered honestly. His eyes turned back to his ancient homeland, where loyalty was merely a device to gain an advantage over a common foe. "Perhaps I care because I strive to be different from my people," he said, as much to himself as to Bruenor. "Perhaps I care because I am different from my people. I may be more akin to race of the surface...that is my hope at least. I care because I have to care about something.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Come gather 'round hardy men of the steppes and listen to my tale of heroes bold and friendships fast and the Tyrant of Icenwind Dale of a band of friends by trick or by deed bred legends for the bard the baneful pride of the one poor wretch and the horror of the Crystal Shard.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“When you live with death so close, you come to appreciate life all the more.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“The world is not static, and if the roots of our perceptions, traditions, hold static, then we are doomed, I say, into destructive dogma.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Where in the nine hells did you ever find the notion that I would fight fair?”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“The meekest of animals will fight bravely when it is backed against a wall, for it has nothing left to lose. A poor man is more deadly than a rich man because he puts less value on his own life.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Drizzt halted before the throne and bowed low. The sight of Regis standing beside the wizard disturbed him more than a little,”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Kessell tried to goad the sweat out of him. The wizard swayed the deadly candle tantalizingly about, causing the rays to shift back and forth. When he finally realized that he would not hear any whimpering or begging out of the proud ranger, Kessell grew tired of the game. “Farewell, fool,” he growled and puckered his lips to puff on the flame. Regis blew out the candle. Everything seemed to come to a complete halt for several seconds. The wizard looked down at the halfling, whom he thought to be his slave, in horrified amazement. Regis merely shrugged his shoulders, as if he was as surprised by his uncharacteristically brave act as Kessell. Relying on instinct, the wizard threw the silver plate that held the candle through the glass of the mirror and ran screaming toward the back corner of the room to a small ladder hidden in the shadows.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Drizzt revealed a small pouch hanging on a fine silver chain around his neck. “A few baubles,” he explained. “I need no riches and doubt that I would be able to carry much out of here, anyway! A few baubles will suffice.” He sifted through the portion of the pile he had just freed from the ice, uncovering a gem-encrusted sword pommel, its black adamantite hilt masterfully sculpted into the likeness of the toothed maw of a hunting cat. The lure of the intricate workmanship pulled at Drizzt, and with trembling fingers he slid the rest of the weapon out from under the gold. A scimitar. Its curving blade was of silver, and diamond-edged. Drizzt raised it before him, marveling at its lightness and perfect balance. “A few baubles…and this,” he corrected.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“They waded around the circle of battle, cautiously stalking and measuring each other for hints of weakness. Wulfgar noted the impatience on Heafstaag’s face, a common flaw among barbarian warriors. He would have been much the same were it not for the blunt lessons of Drizzt Do’Urden. A thousand humiliating slaps from the drow’s scimitars had taught Wulfgar that the first blow was not nearly as important as the last.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“From a parapet on Bryn Shander’s wall, Regis, Cassius, Agorwal, and Glensather watched in horror as the wicked force flowed down the stretch away from the two sacked cities, gaining on the fleeing people of Caer-Dineval.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Come an’ play, stupid dogs,” Bruenor chuckled wickedly”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Come with us, Rumblebelly,” Bruenor said after they had finished an excellent lunch in the palace. “Four adventurers, out on the open plain. It’ll do ye some good an’ take a bit o’ that belly o’ yers away!” Regis grasped his ample stomach in both hands and jiggled it. “I like my belly and intend to keep it, thank you. I may even add some more to it!”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Behold Akar Kessell, the Tyrant of Icewind Dale!” he cried. “People of Ten-Towns, your master has come!” “Your words are a bit premature—” Cassius began, but Kessell cut him short with a frenzied scream. “Never interrupt me!” the wizard shouted,”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“a nice landing, boys,” Bruenor called as he broke free of the fall. “Give the rocks a big kiss for me!”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Non l'ho mica preso sotto la mia tutela per cinque anni solo per farlo ammazzare da uno schifoso yeti della tundra!!!”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Kessell tried to goad the sweat out of him. The wizard swayed the deadly candle tantalizingly about, causing the rays to shift back and forth. When he finally realized that he would not hear any whimpering or begging out of the proud ranger, Kessell grew tired of the game. “Farewell, fool,” he growled and puckered his lips to puff on the flame. Regis blew out the candle.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Even as the stupid dwarves cut down a few of my lesser fighters, more warriors swarm to join the ranks of my army! Doom is upon you all, Drizzt Do’Urden! Akar Kessell is come!” The fog cleared. With a thousand fervent warriors behind him, Wulfgar approached the unsuspecting monsters. The goblins and orcs who were closest to the charging barbarians, holding unbending faith in the words of their master, cheered at the coming of their promised allies. Then they died. The barbarian horde drove through their ranks, singing and killing with wild abandonment. Even through the clatter of weapons, the sound of the dwarves joining in the Song of Tempos could be heard. Wide-eyed, jaw hanging open, trembling with rage, Kessell waved the shocking image away and swung back on Drizzt. “It does not matter!” he said, fighting to keep his tone steady. “I shall deal with them mercilessly! And then Bryn Shander shall topple in flames!”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“The dagger belonged to Artemis Entreri. Pasha Pook’s prime assassin.”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

“Please enter,” Kessell said with false courtesy. “Fear not for my trolls that you injured, they will surely heal!” He threw his head back and laughed. Drizzt felt a fool; to think that all of his caution and stealth had served no better purpose than to amuse the wizard!”
― R.A. Salvatore, quote from The Crystal Shard

About the author

R.A. Salvatore
Born place: in Leominster, The United States
Born date January 20, 1959
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