Quotes from The Art of Seduction

Robert Greene ·  466 pages

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“When our emotions are engaged, we often have trouble seeing things as they are.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“People are more complicated than the masks they wear in society.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Her seductive power, however, did not lie in her looks [...]. In reality, Cleopatra was physically unexceptional and had no political power, yet both Caesar and Antony, brave and clever men, saw none of this. What they saw was a woman who constantly transformed herself before their eyes, a one-woman spectacle.

Her dress and makeup changed from day to day, but always gave her a heightened, goddesslike appearance. Her words could be banal enough, but were spoken so sweetly that listeners would find themselves remembering not what she said but how she said it.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Desire is both imitative (we like what others like) and competitive (we want to take away from others what they have). As children, we wanted to monopolize the attention of a parent, to draw it away from other siblings. This sense of rivalry... makes people compete for the attention.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“There is too little mystery in the world; too many people say exactly what they feel or want.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Sadness of any sort is also seductive, particularly if it seems deep-rooted, even spiritual, rather than needy or pathetic—it makes people come to you.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“The Shadow. It cannot be grasped. Chase your shadow and it will, flee; turn your back on it and it will follow you. It is also a person’s dark side, the thing that makes them mysterious. After they have given us pleasure, the shadow of their withdrawal makes us yearn for their return, much as clouds make us yearn for the sun.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Religion humanizes this universe, makes us feel important and loved. We are not animals governed by uncontrollable drives, animals that die for no apparent reason, but creatures made in the image of supreme being”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“The key to such power is ambiguity. In a society where the roles everyone plays are obvious, the refusal to conform to any standard will excite interest. Be both masculine and feminine, impudent and charming, subtle and outrageous. Let other people worry about being socially acceptable; those types are a dime a dozen, and you are after a power greater than they can imagine.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Religion is the great balm of existence because it takes us outside ourselves, connects us to something larger”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“if no resistances or obstacles face you, you must create them. No seduction can proceed without them.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“I give my mind the liberty to follow the first wise or foolish idea that presents itself,”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“This is a young country,” Kennedy went on, his voice getting louder, “founded by young men . . . and still young in heart. . . . The world is changing, the old ways will not do. . . . It is time for a new generation of leadership to cope with new problems and new opportunities.” Even Kennedy’s enemies agreed that his speech that day was stirring. He turned Truman’s challenge around: the issue was not his inexperience but the older generation’s monopoly on power.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Un día, al ensayar una escena de El jardín de los cerezos, su maestro de actuación, Michael Chekhov, le preguntó: “¿Pensabas en sexo mientras hicimos esta escena?”. Ella contestó que no, y él continuó: “En toda la escena no dejé de recibir vibraciones sexuales de ti. Como si fueras una mujer en las garras de la pasión. […] Ahora entiendo tu problema con tu estudio, Marilyn. Eres una mujer que emite vibraciones sexuales, hagas o pienses lo que sea.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“According to Freud (who was speaking from experience, since he was his mother’s darling), spoiled children have a confidence that stays with them all their lives.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Try to persuade a person by appealing to their consciousness, by saying outright what you want, by showing all your cards, and what hope do you have? You are just one more irritation to be tuned out.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Most of us live in a semi-somnambulistic state: we do our daily tasks and the days fly by. The two exceptions to this are childhood and those moments when we are in love. In both cases, our emotions are more engaged, more open and active. And we equate feeling emotional with feeling more alive.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“The fetish is an object that commands an emotional response and that makes us breathe life into it. Because it is an object we can imagine whatever we want to about it.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“If everything in a dream were realistic, it would have no power over us; if everything were unreal, we would feel less involved in its pleasures and fears. Its fusion of the two is what makes it haunting.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Избалованные дети пользуются незаслуженно скверной репутацией; правда, те из них, кого избаловали, задаривая игрушками и другими материальными вещами, действительно совершенно несносны, однако другие, избалованные вниманием и обожанием, могут быть очень обаятельными.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“A man grows bored with a woman, no matter how beautiful; he yearns for different pleasures, and for adventure.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“избалованные дети наделены уверенностью в себе, которая не покидает их на протяжении всей жизни.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“The vast majority of people conform to whatever is normal for the time.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Поскольку характер и естественная энергия этих детей не были скованы строгими родителями, из них вырастают взрослые с задатками искателей приключений, решительные и смелые, хотя нередко при этом эгоистичные и вредные.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“At certain points in history it may be fashionable to be different and rebellious, but if a lot of people are playing that role, there is nothing different or rebellious about it.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“On July 2, 1960, a few weeks before that year’s Democratic National Convention, former President Harry Truman publicly stated that John F Kennedy—who had won enough delegates to be chosen his party’s candidate for the presidency—was too young and inexperienced for the job.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

“Men do not understand how women think, and vice versa; each tries to make the other act more like a member of their own sex.”
― Robert Greene, quote from The Art of Seduction

About the author

Robert Greene
Born place: in Los Angeles, California, The United States
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