Quotes from Suffer Love

Ashley Herring Blake ·  352 pages

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“If I've learned anything in the past six months, it's that life is a fickle little bitch and there's not one damn thing I can do to tame her. It's almost laughable, really.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“His eyes said everything. They always did.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“The words fall out of my mouth like rain- I felt them coming, smelled them in the air, but there was nothing I could do to stop them.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“I watch her duck into the building, a cavern in my chest so huge, I'm sure my next breath will flip me inside out.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“If anyone can inspire you to believe in real, honest-to-God love stories again, it's William Shakespeare.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“She tilts her head and puts her soft hand on my face, letting her fingertips glide down my neck, to my chest. She flattens her palm there, the heat of her hand searing through my shirt. "You're..." She pauses and I take a breath, my heart thumping madly. "I don't know. It sounds stupid, but... you're like home.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“I tell myself that I don't need him. But he's the only person I want right now.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“When he finally comes out, I edge down a little in the front seat of my car, torn between wanting to disappear and wanting him to see me so he'll know how much I hate him and love him and every blurry shade of gray in between.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“My heart is crushed within me. Here is the truth: You made me love you- your eyes and mouth and voice. You pulled me into your heart. You don't want me there and I don't want to be there, but it's where I will always live.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“I wanted you. I wanted us. You made all of this... I don't know. It sounds crazy, but you, in my life- knowing you almost made everything worth it.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“Sam and me- star-crossed and still entangled up on a hill overlooking the city. On top of the world. I almost laugh at how ridiculous it is. How silly it is that we found each other, that we grounded each other, that we gave each other a sense of freedom and a home.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“This shouldn't make sense," I say.
"Us. You and me."
He presses his forehead to mine. "But we do. Maybe it's crazy, yeah, but it makes sense. We make sense.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“I'm left with a mouthful of words that wouldn't have made a difference anyway.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“Just because you're scared to like someone doesn't make the like go away.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“He leans forward and gives me a lopsided grin. "Everything about you is unexpected.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

“I guess the world really does end with a whimper, he says after a moment. "A whole lot of quiet, a million things left unsaid until it's too late to say them.”
― Ashley Herring Blake, quote from Suffer Love

About the author

Ashley Herring Blake
Born place: The United States
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