Quotes from Standing in the Rainbow

Fannie Flagg ·  560 pages

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“Do you think that your worrying can prevent anything from happening? Whatever happens is supposed to happen and whatever doesn’t, isn’t.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“In 1945, when the male soldiers started coming back home from Europe, she and all the other women pilots that had served as WASPs during the war were unceremoniously told to go home and never received a dime or even thanks from the government.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“Now, I’m not saying they can help it, all I am saying is that in order for this world to keep on progressing the women have got to run things. The trick is to do it without them knowing it.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“They gave Saint Patrick his own day and what did he do but run out a bunch of snakes. Why, Thomas Edison lit up the world. If it hadn’t been for him we’d all still be sitting here in the dark, with nothing but a candle,”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“I hate a book that jumps around. Also I can promise”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“as they walked home, and she would”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“You never saw people anymore, everything was self-service, everybody behind glass windows. And you could not get a real person on the phone. Everywhere you called, a recorded message connected you to another recorded message and then hung up on you.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“Those Russkies won’t put up with your whining and bellyaching for one second. I believe in freedom and individual rights as well as the next man but nobody has the right to live here and do nothing but run us down.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“It seemed to numerous voters that, thanks to the growing power of the ACLU, criminals were beginning to have more rights than the victims. Preachers across the country were becoming alarmed about the young people’s apathy and lack of morals. Some blamed television. Or as Reverend W. W. Nails put it, “The devil has three initials: ABC, NBC, and CBS. They love Lucy more than they do the Lord and they would rather leave it to Beaver than to Jesus.” The average middle-class Americans who worked hard every day, who were not criminals, not on welfare, and had seldom complained, suddenly and collectively started showing signs of growing disillusionment, worried that with all the new social programs they were now going to have to carry the rich and the poor on their backs. They were tired of having to pay so much income and other taxes to support half the world while they struggled to make ends meet. They began to feel that no matter how hard they worked or how much they paid, it was never appreciated and it was never enough.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“I wish I could describe what it feels like to have thousands of people listening to your every word, how easy it is to please them, to get that applause and to hear them out there screaming for you. It’s like being in control of one big ocean and you can calm it down or make it roar.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“it’s not even people anymore, it’s one big thing you want to control and once you’ve had a taste of it, you’re hooked. It’s like if you don’t have it you will die, do you know what I mean? Somebody’s handed you the baton and you can lead this rich, powerful orchestra. Does that make sense to you? I mean after that, leading a five-piece band means nothing, not after you’ve led that orchestra, thousands of people all playing the song just like you want them to.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

“Women are fools; they will marry anything that has a heartbeat just to have a man.”
― Fannie Flagg, quote from Standing in the Rainbow

About the author

Fannie Flagg
Born place: in Birmingham, Alabama, The United States
Born date September 21, 1944
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