Quotes from Something Like Spring

Jay Bell ·  452 pages

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“I guess I should have known back then. All the guys after him only left flesh wounds. Benjamin managed to get into my bones on day one.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“No wheelchair can support damaged self-esteem until it learns to stand upright. No cane can help emotions limp along until they can walk.

A cast or brace can't protect a vulnerable spirit, and not even the strongest painkiller can stop the ache cause by a failed relationship.

No, the only way a broken heart mends itself is with stitches of time and the sticky tape of hastily rearranged dreams.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“I've been waiting for you without even knowing it.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Ladies and gentleman, Tim said. May I present to you, our son, Jason Grant!”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Jason hesitated. “Does it ever stop hurting?” “When you lose someone?” Jace considered this for a moment. “No. Not entirely. There will always be times when you think of him, and it’ll always hurt that it didn’t work out… but it won’t remain the constant pain you feel now. You might go weeks, maybe even months without thinking of him. Then, on the long sleepless nights when you do, you’ll feel a little pang of regret that still stings. That’s all.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Jason nodded. “I’d be willing to give it a shot, although ideally, I would love to be out walking my dog and run into some cute guy walking his dog. Naturally that would lead to us talking. Then we’d start meeting in that same place every day, like little ten-minute dates. After weeks of this, maybe even months, we’d agree to meet without the dogs. Unchaperoned, so to speak. That would be romantic. Way more so than a party or a bar.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Don't be sorry. The only thing love needs to apologize for is being too difficult to understand and too easy to give in to.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“It's called restraint, the part that wants to wander is always there, even for straight people. But commitment is commitment. Once I sign on the dotted line, I'll devote myself to that person only.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“there are people in this world who, after you meet them, you walk away a better person. No matter how okay you were before, they have a way of making you even better.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Just in case, he had asked Ms. Townson to call him if William talked about leaving town. He hadn’t, obviously, making it possible now for him and William to dig through the refrigerator and stand at the counter making sandwiches together, all of which felt delightfully domestic. This would be their life together. Spreading margarine on white bread and debating if Swiss or American cheese was better. With any luck, they would be spending countless days this way, doing little mundane tasks that were so much better with someone to share them with.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“I am sure the ocean catches fire ocassionally.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Half the time he seems self-centered, the other half it's like he lives solely for Ben.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Strange how the present could become the past so quickly.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“It's much easier to just keep moving, keep avoiding the truth.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Money can't buy love, but it certainly could rent it.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

“Old habits die hard. Some refused to die at all.”
― Jay Bell, quote from Something Like Spring

About the author

Jay Bell
Born place: in The United States
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