Quotes from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

Sophie Kinsella ·  387 pages

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“There's no luck in business. There's only drive, determination, and more drive.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“People who want to make a million borrow a million first”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“If I behave as though this is a completely normal situation, then maybe it will be ...”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Still, that's the point of love; you love someone despite their flaws.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“That's the trouble with having the whole world love you. One day, you wake up and it's flirting with your best friend instead. And you don't know what to do. You're thrown.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Oh fuck. I shouldn't have said that.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“I'll show Luke I can fit into the city. I'll show him I can be a true New Yorker. I'll go the gym, and then I'll eat a bagel, and I'll ... shoot someone, maybe?

Or maybe just the gym will be enough.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Oh, this shouldn't be allowed. There should be a rule which says that people you've met in the gym should never meet you in real life.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“I'm lying. I don't just need someone like you. I need you.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Suddenly I've had enough of all this. I've had enough of being made to feel insecure and paranoid and wondering what's going on”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“If you're single, then I'm single?" What's that supposed to be? Lyrics to a pop song?”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“This is what's so annoying about going out with Luke. You can't get away with anything.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Why on earth declutter when you can just shrinkwrap?”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Visiting any shop for the first time is exciting. There's always that buzz as you push open the door; that hope; that belief - that this is going to be the shop of all shops, which will bring you everything you ever wanted, at magically low prices.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Maybe I could... secretly fix a trailer onto the car when Luke ins't looking? Ot maybe I could wear all my clothes, on top of each other, and say I'm feeling a bit chilly...”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“You know, this always happens. Whenever I go away, I always think I'll come back to mountains of exciting posts, with parcels and telegrams and letters full of scintillating news - and I'm always disappointed. In fact, I really think someone should set up a company called holidaypost.com which you would pay to write you loads of exciting letters, just so you had something to look forward to when you got home.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“It's a big step, moving to a new city, especially a city as extreme as New York. It's not the same as London..."
"I know," I nod. "You have to get your nails done.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Look into your heart- and go after what you really want.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“He said when you use your brain, no-one comes near you for ingenuity”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“A cold dismay creeps over me. Oh okay, maybe I did once kind of pretend I had a stalker. Which I shouldn't have done. But I mean, just because you invent one tiny stalker - that doesn't make you a complete nut case, does it?”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“But there's no point. He's busy with his life - and I'm busy with mine.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“I don't even feel so sure of that any more. I mean, if we were a couple, he'd be here, wouldn't he? He'd be here with me.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“The whole point about T-shirts is you choose them in the morning according to your mood, like crystals, or aromatherapy oils.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“He’s talking intently on his mobile phone and sipping a cup of coffee and frowning at something in the paper. But then he looks up and his dark eyes meet mine, and his whole face breaks into a smile. A true, affectionate smile, which makes him seem like a different person.
When I first knew Luke, I only ever saw him businesslike and polite, or scarily angry, or—very occasionally—amused. Even after we started seeing each other, it was a long time before he really let his guard down. In fact, the first time he really, really laughed, I was so surprised, I snorted lemonade through my nose. Even now, whenever I see his face creasing into a real smile, I feel a bit of a lift inside. Because I know he’s not like that with everyone. He’s smiling like that because it’s me. For me." (Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella)”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“Everyone knows, the point of an interview is not to demonstrate who you are, but to pretend to be whatever sort of person they want for the job.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“he only looks at how hard a person works and what results they get—and not at what a completely horrible cow they are.”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“You look a little lost, my dear,' a nun says behind me, and I jump. 'Were you interested in seeing the Bevington Triptych?'
'Oh,' I say. 'Erm... yes. Absolutely.'
'Up there,' she points, and I walk tentatively towards the front of the chapel, hoping it will become obvious what the Bevington Triptych is. A statue, maybe? Or a.. a piece of tapestry?
But as I reach the elderly lady, I see that she's staring up at a whole wall of stained glass windows. I have to admit, they're pretty amazing. I mean look at that huge blue one in the middle. It's fantastic!
'The Bevington Triptych,' says the elderly woman. 'It simply has no parallel, does it?'
'Wow,' I breathe reverentially, staring up with her. 'It's beautiful.'
It really is stunning. God, it just shows, there's no mistaking a real work of art, is there? When you come across real genius, it just leaps out at you. And I'm not even an expert.
'Wonderful colours,' I murmur.
'The detail,' says the woman, clasping her hands, 'is absolutely incomparable.'
'Incomparable,' I echo.
I'm just about to point out the rainbow, which I think is a really nice touch - when I suddenly notice that the elderly woman and I aren't looking at the same thing.
She's looking at some painted wooden thing which I hadn't even noticed.
As inconspicuously as possible, I shift my gaze - and feel a pang of disappointment. Is this the Bevington triptych? But it isn't even pretty!
'Whereas this Victorian rubbish,' the woman
suddenly adds savagely, 'is absolutely criminal! That rainbow! Doesn't it make you feel sick?' She gestures to my big blue window, and I gulp.
'I know,' I say. 'It's shocking, isn't it? Absolutely...
You know - I think I'll just go for a little wander...”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“You look a little lost, my dear,' a nun says behind me, and I jump. 'Were you interested in seeing the Bevington Triptych?'
'Oh,' I say. 'Erm... yes. Absolutely.'
'Up there,' she points, and I walk tentatively towards the front of the chapel, hoping it will become obvious what the Bevington Triptych is. A statue, maybe? Or a.. a piece of tapestry?
But as I reach the elderly lady, I see that she's staring up at a whole wall of stained glass windows. I have to admit, they're pretty amazing. I mean look at that huge blue one in the middle. It's fantastic!
'The Bevington Triptych,' says the elderly woman. 'It simply has no parallel, does it?'
'Wow,' I breathe reverentially, staring up with her. 'It's beautiful.'
It really is stunning. God, it just shows, there's no mistaking a real work of art, is there? When you come across real genius, it just leaps out at you. And I'm not even an expert.
'Wonderful colours,' I murmur.
'The detail,' says the woman, clasping her hands, 'is absolutely incomparable.'
'Incomparable,' I echo.
I'm just about to point out the rainbow, which I think is a really nice touch - when I suddenly notice that the elderly woman and I aren't looking at the same thing.
She's looking at some painted wooden thing which I hadn't even noticed.
As inconspicuously as possible, I shift my gaze - and feel a pang of disappointment. Is this the Bevington triptych? But it isn't even pretty!
'Whereas this Victorian rubbish,' the woman suddenly adds savagely, 'is absolutely criminal! That rainbow! Doesn't it make you feel sick?' She gestures to my big blue window, and I gulp.
'I know,' I say. 'It's shocking, isn't it? Absolutely...
You know - I think I'll just go for a little wander...”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

“What is it about shoes? I mean, I like most kind of clothes, but a fabulous pair of shoes can just reduce me to jelly. Sometimes, when no-one else is at home, I open my wardrobe and just stare at all my pairs of shoes, like some mad collector. And once I lined them all up on my bed and took a photograph of them. Which might seem a bit weird, but I thought, I've got loads of photos of people I don't really like, so why not take one of something I love?”
― Sophie Kinsella, quote from Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

About the author

Sophie Kinsella
Born place: in London, England, The United Kingdom
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