Quotes from Rule

Jay Crownover ·  369 pages

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“It’s always been you even when I didn’t want it to be, even when it broke my heart over and over again. It’s just always been you.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Here’s my heart Shaw. You have it in your hands and I promise you’re the first and last person to ever touch it. You need to be careful with it because it’s far more fragile than I ever thought and if you try and give it back I’m not taking it. I don’t know enough about love to know for sure that’s what this between us is, but I know that for me it’s you and only you from here on out and I can only promise to be careful and not push you away again. Life without you in it is doable, but if I have a choice I want to do it with you by my side and I’m telling you I’m not running away from the work it takes to make that happen. Shaw I’m not scared of us anymore.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Opposites don't just attract they freaking catch fire and burn the entire city down1”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I think it’s genetically impossible not to be kind of in love with him when you come equipped with a vagina. It’s just something about all that angsty, moody swagger he has that makes you want to cuddle him up and make him feel better.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“You have me Shaw, any way you need me, any way you want me, you have me.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I almost saw your boyfriend naked this morning.”
I laughed at the look on her face. “I don’t know what to say to that, you’re welcome?”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I think I wanted it too much and you didn't want it enough.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Rule if this goes bad it’s gonna be so, so bad.” Her voice was just a husky whisper against my chest.
“True, but if it’s good it’s going be so very, very good.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I don’t care what color your hair is, if you’re pale or tan, if you have makeup on or just woke up all I care about is that when I look at you, you always look back and see me.  You’re beautiful inside and out and if you wanted to tattoo all that pretty white skin from head to toe I would be honored to put it there for you but if not I’ll take you all smooth and milky white any chance I get.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“You have to promise not to bail on me when I get lost, Shaw. You have to promise to just wait it out until I can find my way back. I need to know you’re at the end of the tunnel when everything goes black.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I’ve never trusted anyone all the time. It’s the people I care about the most that always seem to do the most damage.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I know I messed up but I’m here for real now. We’re going to do this and I promise I’ll take care of you as best I can. You’re going to have to be patient with me because I’m flying blind.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I’m not Jet so I can’t write you a song that makes you understand how important you are to me.  I’m not Nash so I can’t find a building and paint you a mural that makes see that it all starts and ends with you for me. I’m a tattoo artist, I’ll probably always be a tattoo artist (...) Here’s my heart Shaw.  You have it in your hands
and I promise you’re the first and last person to ever touch it.  You need to
be careful with it because it’s far more fragile than I ever thought and if you try and give it back I’m not taking it.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Look at me being all optimistic and shit.
Remy would be so proud.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Look I have somewhere I have to be and I don’t particularly love that I have to go, but you freaking out and making a scene is not going to do anything other than piss me off. I hope you had a good time last night and you can leave your number but we both know the chances of me calling you are slim to none. If you don’t want to be treated like crap maybe you should stop going home with drunken dudes you don’t know. Trust me we’re really only after one thing and the next morning all we really want is for you to go quietly away. I have a headache and I feel like I’m going to hurl, plus I have to spend the next hour in a car with someone that will be silently loathing me and joyously plotting my death so really can we just save the histrionics and get a move on it?”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“This is what I have to offer you Shaw and just like you let me be your first, I'm letting you be mine.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I don’t believe in skipping ahead Dale. I read the book all the way through.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Thank God. Now maybe he'll stop acting like a cranky toddler that skipped nap time.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Happy birthday Rule, I’m giving you me for now and forever and if you want to give me back I’m not going.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“You’ve never wanted to be easy to love Rule and you make damn sure that nobody can ever forget it.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Hallelujah! It's about time you two idiots figured out that you were made for each other.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I deserve it all because I’m willing to give it all.  I would have
worked through the darkness with you, Rule.  What I won’t do is watch you walk
away from me every time something happens that has the potential to hurt you”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“So Nash and I went out and there were redheads and there were brunettes and there was even a super-hot chick that looked kinda like Pink but you think any of them did it for me?   No, Shaw not one because they weren’t fucking you and ever since you walked out on Sunday all I’ve been thinking of is you.   Now why is that?”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Love like this wasn't supposed to be missed, even for those of us that had never realized it was out there. Look at me being all optimistic and shit.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“That’s the girl you complain about driving home with every weekend? That’s the girl youwhine endlessly about walking in on you when you’re acting the fool? That’s the girl you dodge calls from and avoid like the plague? Geez Rule I never knew you were gay.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Guys Rule's girl is here and she's like an actual girl with an actual brain. un-freaking-believable.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I’ll always take care of you Rule, in fact I like doing it because it makes me happy and it feels good but I’m not ever going to let you use me to work out your demons like you did with all those girls that came before me so you better learn the difference.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“Tell me why when we do this it’s so much different than whenever I’ve done it before.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“I adore Rule. I think it’s genetically impossible not to be kind of in love with him when you come equipped with a vagina.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

“If he was the right guy you wouldn't have felt that way. You would have made the time because you wanted to be with him.”
― Jay Crownover, quote from Rule

About the author

Jay Crownover
Born place: in The United States
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