Quotes from Ruined

Amy Tintera ·  355 pages

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“Kind, reasonable, thoughtful. It wasn't 'love' or an admission of wild, passionate feelings, but he realized he liked her three words more. 'Love' would have been easy, another easy lie in a long line of lies. 'Love' would be easy to dismiss.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“The memory of how he felt when he cared about her was going to be the most painful thing after he began to hate her.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“Of course I wasn't pretending!” The words exploded out of her before she could stop them. Heat spread across her cheeks.
Cas's mouth had been open, ready with a reply, and he snapped it shut.
She cleared her throat. She'd already embarrassed herself horribly, might as well finish it off. “I fully intended to ignore you, but it turns out you're very hard to ignore. I never pretended to feel anything for you, Cas. All of that was real, and definitely never part of the plan. And I should have...” A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed, her voice shaking. “I should have warned you about the attack. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“You were born useless, but you dont have to be helpless”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“You underestimate yourself if you think any woman would have to pretend to have feelings for you.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“He would save her again, and again, no matter how angry he was with her. “Can”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“the only way to find peace was to kill everyone who threatened it.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“You're not who I thought you'd be, Cas."
"Your so much better.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

“I certainly have never had to pretend to be weak. But your mother is right. There's a benefit to being underestimated.”
― Amy Tintera, quote from Ruined

About the author

Amy Tintera
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