Quotes from Preludes & Nocturnes

Neil Gaiman ·  240 pages

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“You get what anybody gets - you get a lifetime.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“CHORONZON: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler.

MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing.

CHORONZON: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing.

MORPHEUS: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged.

CHORONZON: I am a snake, spider-devouring, posion-toothed.

MORPHEUS: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy-footed.

CHORONZON: I am an anthrax, butcher bacterium, warm-life destroying.

MORPHEUS: I am a world, space-floating, life-nurturing.

CHORONZON: I am a nova, all-exploding... planet-cremating.

MORPHEUS: I am the Universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing.

CHORONZON: I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds... of everything. Sss. And what will you be then, Dreamlord?

MORPHEUS: I am hope.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“What power would hell have if those imprisoned here would not be able to dream of heaven?”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“I think I’ll dismember the world and then I’ll dance in the wreckage.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Never trust a demon. He has a hundred motives for anything he does ... Ninety-nine of them, at least, are malevolent.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Have you ever had one of those days when something just seems to be trying to tell you somebody?”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“I only have two kinds of dreams: the bad and the terrible. Bad dreams I can cope with. They're just nightmares, and the end eventually. I wake up. The terrible dreams are the good dreams. In my terrible dreams, everything is fine. I am still with the company. I still look like me. None of the last five years ever happened. Sometimes I'm married. Once I even had kids. I even knew their names. Everything's wonderful and normal and fine. And then I wake up, and I'm still me. And I'm still here. And that is truly terrible.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“You can know anything. It's all there. You just have to find it.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“I will be a wise and tolerant monarch, dispencing justice fairly, and only setting nightmares to rip out the winds of the evil and the wicked. Or just anybody that I don't like.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“I am anti-life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds…of everything. And what will you be then, Dreamlord?"

"I am hope.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“You say I have no power? Perhaps you speak truly... But — you say that dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar... Ask yourselves, all of you... What power would hell have if those imprisoned were not able to dream of heaven?”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“The universe knows someone is missing, and slowly it attempts to replace him.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“As I wouldn't wear a costume, I couldn't imagine him wanting to wear one. And seeing that the greater part of my wardrobe is black (It's a sensible colour. It goes with anything. Well, anything black)[...].”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“It is as natural to die as it is to be born.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Some things are too big to be seen; some emotions too huge to be felt.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“You see, until then I'd been driven. I'd had a true quest, a purpose beyond my function - and then suddenly, the quest was over.
I felt... drained. Disappointed. Let down.
Does that make sense? I had been sure that as soon as I had everything back I'd feel good. But inside I felt worse than when I stared.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Why us, goddammit? Why are you doing this stuff to us? You're going to kill us!"
"Why? Because I can.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“But...is that all there was? Is that all I get?

Yes, I'm afraid so.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Approaching the state of Delaware, the dreamer is a small dog, dreaming impatiently of a past life, long forgotten, when he sailed tall ships across uncharted. The salt spray of the ocean stings my face.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“CHORONZON "I am anti-life, the beast of judgement. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, Gods, worlds... of everything. And what will you be then, Dreamlord?"

MORPHEUS "I am hope.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Az emberek azt hiszik, az álmok nem valóságosak, mert nem anyagból, nem részecskékből vannak. Pedig azok. Nézőpontok, képek, emlékek, szójátékok és elveszett remények alkotják őket…”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“I watched him even then as he fell, his face undefeated, his eyes still proud”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“Azon tűnődöm, milyen furcsán is fogadja az emberiség a nővérem ajándékát. Miért félnek a naptalan világtól? A halál oly természetes, mint a születés.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

“- Soy la antivida, la bestia del juicio. Soy la oscuridad al fin de todo. Fin de universos, dioses, mundos... de todo. ¿Y qué serás tú, soñador?

- La esperanza.”
― Neil Gaiman, quote from Preludes & Nocturnes

About the author

Neil Gaiman
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