Quotes from Mystic City

Theo Lawrence ·  397 pages

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“I always knew this story would break my heart”
― Theo Lawrence, quote from Mystic City

“Your mother stands against everything my parents believe in," I say. "But I'm not my parents."
"Aria," Hunter whispers into my ear.
"Just kiss me."
We press our lips together gentle, and it's like I am alive, on fire, like I can do anything in the world. I know this because he's a mystic, but there's something more familiar, something safe and sexy and irresistible about the way his lips feel, his tongue brushing lightly against mine. Our passion is like what's described in my love letters: it's like coming home, finally, when I never even knew I'd been away.”
― Theo Lawrence, quote from Mystic City

“Everyone around me is applauding wildly, overjoyed by how quickly something can disappear. Am I the only one who wishes things could come back?”
― Theo Lawrence, quote from Mystic City

“Llevo deseando encontrar el amor desde que era pequeña. El amor que ves en la televisión o sobre el cual lees en los libros, ese en el que descubres tu otra mitad - la persona con la que estás destinada a pasar el resto de tu vida - y de repente te sientes completa.
[...] Siempre he pensado que el amor verdadero me abrasaría.”
― Theo Lawrence, quote from Mystic City

“En realidad, siempre supe que esta historia acabaría rompiéndome el corazón".”
― Theo Lawrence, quote from Mystic City

“You're like the antidote to a poison -calming, soothing. You make me feel safe in a world full of chaos.”
― Theo Lawrence, quote from Mystic City

About the author

Theo Lawrence
Born place: The United States
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