Quotes from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

Heather Wolf ·  40 pages

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“There is no such thing as tough love. Love is kind, love is compassionate, love is tender.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“We can learn a lesson from the butterfly beginning it's life crawling along the ground, then spinning a cocoon, patiently waiting until the day it will fly.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Every day is a new day to hope, dream and try again.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Dear Little Children, don't ever give up on your dreams.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Gossip is a Sin just like all other sins that not only hurts those it is spoken about and slanders their reputation, but it also hurts the one who speaks it and the one who listens. Gossip is cruel & usually is a result of jealousy or bitterness. Either way, Stop the cycle of gossiping and start being loving instead.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Always do your best to be loving and kind to others.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“There can never be too much loving kindness or chesed.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Use your voice for good in this world, it may not seem like it's getting you anywhere, but in the end good wins.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Music transcends the boundaries of language.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“My heart longs for the day when there will be no more suffering, no more hatred or violence, only love and a child will be able to grow up in a world without ever having to know the pain and anguish of an empty belly.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Please leave my computer alone.. The only cookies I want to get are the ones I can eat.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Please leave my computer alone.. I only like cookies when I can eat them.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“Smiles, kindness, hugs & love are all free to give, but priceless to recieve.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

“With a hope and a prayer, you can get there.”
― Heather Wolf, quote from Kipnuk the Talking Dog

About the author

Heather Wolf
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