Quotes from Invisible

James Patterson ·  399 pages

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“Purple is such a twisted, complex color - it conveys the passion of red, the sadness of blue, the depravity of black. Purple is neither happy nor sad. It is pain and despair but longing, too - fiery desire, beaten and bruised but struggling onward, determined to overcome, to move forward rather than retreat.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“You must do today what nobody else will do, so tomorrow you can accomplish what others can’t.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“Like we were just jagged puzzle pieces that made no sense alone but together we fit perfectly. That's what life is supposed to be like for normal people right? You find that other piece that matches yours that completes yours. And you make the jags and the crevices fit, even if they don't go in perfectly smooth, even if they require a few adjustments. You don't demand perfection you make it work and appreciate the parts that fit instead of obsessing about the small angles that don't.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“What is a lie? It’s a distortion of reality, presented as reality.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“What is a lie? It's a distortion of reality, presented as reality. We say it's a bad thing. We teach kids not to lie. We even put people in prison for lying. And yet there are lies all around us, and half the time we don't even really try to disguise it.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“But to be the best, to reach the pinnacle, requires self-denial, sacrifice, discipline, humility, and preparation. You have to hurt yourself, scold yourself, analyze yourself, recognize your weaknesses at the same time try to eliminate them. And those weaknesses you can't eliminate must be minimized. You must create a plan that highlights your strengths and hides your flaws. You have to do more than simply want to win. Everybody wants to win, for goodness' sake. But precious few of us are willing to prepare to win. You must do things that are difficult, unpleasant, painful.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“I’m a girl standing in a tornado, pretending like it isn’t even windy,”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“You’re your own worst enemy, Marta always said to me. You don’t need anyone to torment you because you do it to yourself.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“Purple is such a twisted, complex color—it conveys the passion of red, the sadness of blue, the depravity of black. Purple is neither happy nor sad. It is pain and despair but longing, too—fiery desire, beaten and bruised but struggling onward, determined to overcome, to move forward rather than retreat.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“The Dick tells us that Denny once worked on some arson cases, but I'd wager a mortgage payment that those cases took place when you created fire by rubbing two sticks together so you could cook the stegosaurus you killed with a spear and dragged back to the cave.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“You put on a mask. But don't you see? Nobody can really know you unless they know your extremes”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“off the bed to the left and run for the”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“that palpable odor pumped out through the”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“Minciunile sunt fascinante pentru că ele demască paradoxurile societății noastre”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“What is a lie? It’s a distortion of reality, presented as reality. We say it’s a bad thing. We teach kids not to lie. We even put people in prison for lying. And yet there are lies all around us, and half the time we don’t even really try to disguise it.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“troubled. I hope I’m wrong. But I really need to run along. It was nice meeting you, Graham.” [Editor’s”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“He was the anchor in the water, while you rocked up and down on the waves.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“Dreams suck. You think you’ve conquered something, you work on it over and over and tell yourself you’re getting better, you will yourself to get better, you congratulate yourself on getting better. And then you close your eyes at night, you drift off into another world, and suddenly your own brain is tapping you on the shoulder and saying, Guess what? You’re NOT better!”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“we were just jagged puzzle pieces that made no sense alone, but together we fit perfectly.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“and, thus, the strength of the fire.” He’s taking”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“What happened in August of this year,”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“She sucks in her breath and lets the flames race along the comforter until they lick her and swallow her whole.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“I'll bet you think my favorite color is red, don't you? Well, close. It's purple. Purple is such a twisted, complex color--it conveys the passion of red, the sadness of blue, the depravity of black. Purple is neither happy nor sad. It is pain and despair but longing, too--fiery desire, beaten and bruised but struggling onward, determined to overcome, to move forward rather than retreat.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth.”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

“Talamas as she races through her”
― James Patterson, quote from Invisible

About the author

James Patterson
Born place: in Newburgh, New York, The United States
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