Quotes from Ghostgirl

Tonya Hurley ·  328 pages

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“Being in love with someone who doesn't even know you exist isn't the worst thing in the world. In fact, it's quite the oppostie. Almost like passing in a term paper that you know sucked, but having that period of time where you haven't gotten your grade back yet -- that kind of exhale where you haven't been rejected, although you pretty much know how it's going to turn out.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“You can't have it both ways. Love is too powerful to hide for very long. Deny it and suffer the consequences. Acknowledge it and suffer the consequences. Revealing it can either be shameful or it can be liberating. It is for others to decide which it will be.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Life sucks, then you die. Then it sucks again. ”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“We all like to think the world ends when we do. The truth is our acquaintances, our friends, and our loved ones all live on, and through them, so do we. It's not about what you had, but what you gave. It's not about how you looked, but how you lived. And it's not just about being remembered. It's about giving people a good reason to remember you.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“We all want to be stars. The idea of being revered and envied must be encoded somewhere deep in our DNA. So must the desire to revere and envy others we imagine to be better, more accepted, and more popular than we are. The only problem is that the most necessary qualities required to be a celebrity -- self-absorption, egomania, shamelessness -- are the least attractive in a friend.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Regret; The saddest word in the English language.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Issues are like assholes, we've all got one," Pam snipped.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“I love you, but i'm not fall in love with you”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“I never understood why you tried so hard to fit in, when you were obviously meant to stand out.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“She was a dead girl having the worst panic attack shed ever had. Not because she was afraid of dying, but because she knew that she would never live again.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“The only reason to live is to love and the only reason to love is to live.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“You never think it will happen to you. You think about what it would be like. You go through it over and over in your mind, changing the scenario slightly each time, but deep down, you don't really believe it would ever happen, because it's something that happens to someone else, not to you.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Being in love with someone who doesn't even know that you exist isn't the worst thing in the world.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“friends are like stars. You do not see all the time, but you know they are there”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Talk is cheap. If it wasn't, people might not toss around 'I love you' like a marked-down phrase in a sales bin.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“En el mundo yo era sólo una persona más, pero anhelaba ser el mundo para una persona.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“You'd kill yourself for recognition
kill yourself to never, ever stop
You broke another mirror
you're turning into something you are not.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Penyesalan. Kata paling sedih dalam bahasa manusia.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“El peor lugar para perderse está en tu propia cabeza.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Merelakan sesuatu, bagi siapa pun, bisa menjadi hal terberat untuk dilakukan.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. —Oscar Wilde”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we— Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“She would never, she thought, be allowed to enjoy a moments pleasure without an eternity of pain.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“She had penetrated his dream, but not in the way he penetrated hers.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“She had nothing left to lose and she needed him to herself, for just a little while.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“I don't know what I'm doing...I'm failing at everything that matters to me.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“Her chest felt like it was a hollow cavity encasing a cold, hard rock.”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

“There was no escape for her. No relief. She had exhausted all possibilities and all her hope was gone, washed away...”
― Tonya Hurley, quote from Ghostgirl

About the author

Tonya Hurley
Born place: The United States
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