Quotes from Forever with You

Laurelin Paige ·  387 pages

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“Where is the road to your heart?"
With one finger he lifted my chin to meet his eyes. "Don't you know? You're the one who paved it.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Not only does my world revolve around her, but she is my world. She's not just my reason for breathing, she's air itself. She's the meaning behind every one of my thoughts, every thrum of my pulse, every whisper of my conscience. She's my entire everything. It's as simple and as complex as that.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“You’re always the center of my world.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“No, I’m not ever letting you go.” His words were raw with emotion. “I’ll let you leave here right now, but I’m not giving up on you. I’ll pursue you like I’ve never pursued anything in my life. I’ll fight until you have no choice but to believe that I love you with everything I am.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“I love you," she murmurs.

"I love you first." And last. And everything in between.
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“So he was hurt? Too fucking bad. I was destroyed.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“I love you, precious. I’ve always loved you. From the moment I first saw you. I knew before you did, I think.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“We’ve been pussy-footing around each other all day,” he said at my ear. “I’m warning you now that I’m done. It’s time for me to start treating you like what you are: Mine.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Every touch, every kiss, every moment between you and me, precious…none of that was pretend. I didn’t want to pretend with you. I wanted every experience with you, every moment to be completely genuine.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Then, all of a sudden, everything changed. He dropped his hand to his side and his expression melted and transformed, and for the first time in days, the look in his eyes said I was the center of his world again. The crux of his universe. The core of his existence.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

We'll talk later.

You don't understand. I have to talk now. I'll keep texting you. I can't help myself.

And I'll read every one.

― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“We have the future to make up for the hurts we’ve caused each other.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“You make it so easy to fall so hard.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“I’m sorry, Laynie. That’s going to have to come from him. My point is that you’re not his burden. You’re his reason.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“twisted my lips at the thought. “This is a new beginning for us, isn’t it?” He leaned forward to brush my nose with his. “No. This is better than a beginning. This is what happens next.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“He’d never let anyone in before. Maybe sex really had only been for sport in the past. With us, it was speech.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“she thought I was crying out of happiness. She had no idea she was watching my heart break even more.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Here I am, precious. I give myself freely. All of me, Alayna. No more walls or secrets or games or lies. I give you all of me, honestly. For forever, if you'll take me.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“He believed I could do more than I believed I could do. It was endearing and empowering, but also overwhelming.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“I've never kissed you just for show, precious. I'm not about to start now.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“You belong to me, precious. You belong with me. I won't let anything come between us. I won't let anything hurt you.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Where is the road to your heart?” With one finger, he lifted my chin to meet his eyes. “Don’t you know? You’re the one who paved it.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“This is everything I ever needed and never knew I wanted, wrapped up in the most beautiful of packages.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“My point is that you're not his burden. You're his reason.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Era la verdad más absoluta que yo conocía, igual que el sol sabe que debe salir por la mañana, igual que los capullos de rosa saben que deben florecer en primavera. Estaba en mis venas, en el rincón más oculto de mi corazón y de mi alma. Le amaría hasta la muerte, incluso más allá de la muerte. Más allá del fuego y del infierno. Le querría toda la eternidad.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“—Sí, pero solo eso. Cada caricia, cada beso, cada momento compartido por los dos, preciosa…, nada de eso fue fingido. No quería fingir contigo. Quería que cada experiencia contigo, cada momento, fuese absolutamente real. Eres la primera persona a la que he dejado entrar en mí, la primera que ha visto quién soy yo de verdad entre tanta mentira. —Bajó el volumen de su voz al mínimo—: Eres la primera persona a la que he amado en toda mi vida, Alayna. Y sé que serás la última.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“I’m not going to stand by as the only one who knows about this. You need some backup. What if she does something to you? You know, roofies your drink or something.”
“Right. ‘Cause I’m drinking openly tonight.” She was my closest friend, but sometimes she lacked in the intelligence department.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“Of course I still care, you asshole. I'm in love with you. You shattered my fucking heart.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

“I love you, precious. I've always loved you.”
― Laurelin Paige, quote from Forever with You

About the author

Laurelin Paige
Born place: in The United States
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