Quotes from Forever with Me

Kristen Proby ·  290 pages

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“Romance isn’t about proving to someone you love them with flowers and greeting cards and chocolate. Or even a lock on a fence. It’s a daily reminder. It’s saying, I choose you. Today and every day.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“I’ve been slowly falling for you for a long time, and I’m afraid I fell the rest of the way in love with you last night, and you’re so much more than my darling. You’re my treasure.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“Intimacy is who you wake up thinking about at three in the morning, It’s talking about your hopes and fears in the dark. It’s the one person you give your undivided attention to when ten other people are fighting for it. It’s that person, always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“Love doesn’t hurt you, tesoro. People who don’t know how to love hurt you.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“Insomnia.” She nods wisely. “You should take melatonin. It works wonders.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“Orgasms … nature’s way of saying, ‘Yeah, life sucks ass, but here, have some candy.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“The skin is the largest organ in your body. You should take care of it,”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“I’ve been slowly falling for you for a long time, and I’m afraid I fell the rest of the way in love
with you last night, and you’re so much more than my darling. You’re my treasure”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“There’s no anger, no sadness. Just composure.”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

“the new building housing the store. “The”
― Kristen Proby, quote from Forever with Me

About the author

Kristen Proby
Born place: in The United States
Born date November 27, 1974
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