Quotes from Five Run Away Together

Enid Blyton ·  264 pages

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“It was such a lovely day too, and the sky and sea were so blue. They sat eating and drinking, gazing out to sea, watching the waves break into spray over the rocks beyond the old wreck.”
― Enid Blyton, quote from Five Run Away Together

“It was funny that she should have said that, for Julian chose that moment to begin baaing like a flock of sheep. His one long, bleating "baa-baa-aa-aa" was taken up by the echoes at once, and it seemed suddenly as if hundreds of poor lost sheep were baa-ing their way down the dungeons! Mr. Stick jumped to his feet, as white as a sheet. "Well, if it isn't sheep now!" he said. "What's up? What's in these "ere dungeons? I never did like them." "Baa-aa-AAAAAAAAAAP went the mournful bleats all round and about. And then”
― Enid Blyton, quote from Five Run Away Together

“There, there, baby!’ said Julian, patting his little sister on the back and laughing at her furious face.”
― Enid Blyton, quote from Five Run Away Together

About the author

Enid Blyton
Born place: in East Dulwich, South London, The United Kingdom
Born date August 11, 1897
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