Quotes from Façade

Nyrae Dawn ·  291 pages

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“She's the fire in my veins, the breath in my lungs, and the glue trying to hold each of my scars together.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“Haunt me,
my little ghost,
Posses me
Live inside me,
And scare away my sins
Until there's nothing left.
But You.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“You reminded me what it feels like to love. You made me fall in love and, fuck, I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“I think when love sneaks up on you, when it grabs onto you when you least expect it, maybe that's more of a sign that it's real. That it's meant to be and nothing could stop the two of you from falling for each other.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“It's like she has her heart in her hand and it's broken. She's holding it out and showing me all the little pieces. Or maybe it's my heart.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“...and now I just keep running. Maybe not physically anymore, but my mind and heart are backpacking through the darkest corners of the world trying to get farther and farther away.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“Your heart beats so strong, I feel it against my chest. You make mine want to catch up, to match the rhythm.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“I can't get you out of me. Your smile's in my head and your voice in my ear.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“I don't know what it is about you that makes me want you so fucking bad.'
They may not be the words a girl longs to hear, but I cherish them. Because they're real and real is better than a pretty lie.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“I’m scared he’s going to see through me. Take one look and know who I am. Know that I’m the daughter of the guy who killed his nephew.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“A veces necesitamos sangrar para sanar.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

“it’s hard giving out love to people who shove it back in your face. That’s not what love’s supposed to be about. No, it’s not perfect and people get hurt, but it’s a give and take. And it should be comfort, not pain.”
― Nyrae Dawn, quote from Façade

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