Quotes from Every Last Word

Tamara Ireland Stone ·  368 pages

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“If you could read my mind, you wouldn't be smiling.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“Everyone’s got something. Some people are just better actors than others.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I didn’t go there looking for you. I went looking for me.” My voice is soft, low, and shaky. “But now, here you are, and somehow, in finding you, I think I’ve found myself.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“Mistakes. Trial and error. Same thing. Mistakes are how we learned to walk and run and that hot things burn when you touch them. You’ve made mistakes all your life and you’re going to keep making them.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I’m going to show you something that will change your whole life.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“What you see ... And on the other side: It isn't me.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“You look around at the people in your life, one by one, choosing to hold on to the ones who make you stronger and better, and letting go of the ones who don't.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I have a tendency to overthink things, especially when it comes to my friends, and I don’t know…I take things too personally. I mean, it isn’t always them . Sometimes it’s me. I just don’t always know when it’s them and when it’s me, you know?”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I’m merely reminding you to embrace who you are and surround yourself with people who do the same.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“Shy, insecure, afraid to speak up? “Act as if,” they say. Act as if you’re not. Stand tall when you walk. Project your voice when you talk. Raise your hand in class. Act as if. Speak your mind. Cut your hair. Be the part. Look the part. You can do this. Just act as if. If you really knew me, If you could see inside, You’d find shy and insecure and afraid. Acting as if. Ironic, isn’t it? The only time I’m not Acting “as if”? When I’m on a stage.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“The few lamps we left on softly illuminate the walls, and I think about all the paper around us, all this love and pain and fear and hope. We’re surrounded by words. Nothing about this moment could be more perfect, because I’m absolutely in love with this room and the people in it, on the wall and otherwise. And with this one boy in particular.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“The trick is to recognize your mistakes, take what you need from them, and move on" -Sue”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“Sam: Do you always say exactly what you're thinking?
AJ: I try to. I like to know where I stand with people, and I figure I owe them the same courtesy. I mean, I'm never rude or hurtful about it, but I don't see any reason to be fake. That's a lot of work”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“But now, everything is so quiet. Not just the pool, but my mind, too. I don't even feel the urge to swim to the beat of a song. I'm mentally spent. Out of words. Out of thoughts. It feels so good to be this empty. It's so peaceful.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“What you see, it isn't me”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“The trick is to recognize your mistakes, take what you need from them, and move on.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I also think you’re overcomplicating this whole thing. I think that even when good, totally normal, completely healthy things happen in your life, like”—she starts articulating her points on her fingers—“your new car, writing poetry, spending an afternoon at AJ’s house, meeting me…” She sits up straighter wearing a big fake grin, then returns to her serious tone. “You seem determined to find a way to make them unhealthy.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“Yesterday, when I took the stage for the sixth time, I read a poem about unreliable friends, people you love and feel bonded to but can never truly trust. It was about feeling alone and vulnerable, and never being able to fully let your guard down.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“Feeling all the pain of letting them go. And knowing I did the right thing.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“You are still here stitched into the words on these walls.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I’m here now.
Letting them out.
Freeing my words
Building better walls.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“OCD. I’m more obsessive than compulsive, so most of the ‘disorder’ part takes place in my own head. That makes it pretty easy to hide. No one knows.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“After you left
I stared at the driveway
Feeling its emptiness
Wondering if you’d return.

After you left
I thought about your questions
Wishing I hadn’t been so blunt
Wondering if I scared you away.

After you left
I remembered how you felt in my arms.
How you fit so perfectly there. Like my guitar.
Wondering if I should have kissed you when I had the chance.

After you left
I sat in my room
Remembering all the things you said, and
Wondering about all the things you didn’t.

After you left
I sat in silence.
Missing you in a way I didn’t quite understand.
Wondering if you’d ever come back.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I like to know where I stand with people, and I figure I owe them the same courtesy.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“It's me, asking him to let me in. Asking all of them to give a chance to show them that, deep down, I'm not who they think I am. Or, maybe I'm exactly who they think I am, but I no longer want to be.”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“-Todo el mundo tiene algo- afirma.
-¿Tú crees?
-Claro que sí. Simplemente hay personas con mejores dotes de interpretación que otras.-”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word

“I have a tendency to overthink things, especially when it comes to my friends, and I don’t know…I take things too personally. I”
― Tamara Ireland Stone, quote from Every Last Word


About the author

Tamara Ireland Stone
Born place: Frankfurt, Germany
See more on GoodReads

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