Quotes from Endless Night

Agatha Christie ·  303 pages

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“The trouble with you and me, is that we don't live in the real world. We dream of fantastic things that may never happen.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Some are born to sweet delight, Some are born to endless night.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“One of the oddest things in life I think is the things one remembers.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“I suppose what I really am is restless. I want to go everywhere, see everything, do everything. I want to find something. Yes, that's it, I want to find something.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“I just woke up feeling happy this morning. You know those days when everything in the world seems right.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“There's a saying by some great writer or other that no man is a hero to his valet. Perhaps everyone ought to have a valet.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Go away where you're loved and taken care of and looked after.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Most of the rich people I've known have been fairly miserable.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Born poor doesn't mean you've got to stay poor. Money's queer. It goes where it's wanted.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“She'd never stopped for a moment wanting me to be different but her wishes were never going to come true.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“That rebellion of mine was an important turning point in my life.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“When youth begins to pass, fun isn't fun any longer.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“She's a gipsy really. That's why she can't stay in houses. She wanders away and comes back again.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Oh no, I'm not brave. When a thing is certain there's nothing to be brave about. All you can do is to find your consolation.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“In the end is my beginning… That’s a quotation I’ve often heard people say.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“إن الأمهات بائسات. لماذا يتسببن في الكآبة لأطفالهن؟ لماذا يشعرن بأنهن يعرفن كل شيء حيال أطفالهن؟ هن لا يعرفن شيئا.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Faces are tricky unless you can connect up when and where you'd seen them.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“The house only isn't enough, you see. It has to have
the setting. That's just as important. It's like a ruby or an emerald. A beautiful stone is only a beautiful stone. It doesn't lead you anywhere further. It doesn't mean anything, it has no form or significance until it has its setting. And the setting has to have a beautiful jewel to be worthy of it. I take the setting, you see, out of the landscape, where it exists only in its own right. It has no meaning until there is my house sitting proudly like a jewel within its grasp.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“It wasn't what you were born to, and no good comes from getting out of your station in life.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Nobody shall drive us away,” I said. “We're going to be happy here.” We said it like a challenge to fate.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Il guaio, con me, era che avevo voluto sempre troppe cose, e le avevo volute con avidità e senza essere disposto a rinunciare a niente.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“I've been in love once and if I felt it coming on again I tell you I'd emigrate.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“Greta avevo capito com'ero fatto fin dal primo momento in cui mi aveva conosciuto. Non avevamo mai nutrito stupide illusioni l'uno sul conto dell'altra. Lei aveva il mio stesso tipo di mentalità, desiderava le stesse cose che desideravo io. Volevamo il Mondo, e non ci saremmo accontentati d'altro. Volevamo tutto ciò che la vita poteva offrirci. Volevamo soddisfare qualunque ambizione. Volevamo avere tutto, non volevamo negarci niente.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“A beautiful stone is only a beautiful stone. It doesn't lead you anywhere. It doesn't mean anything, it has no form or significance until is has its setting. And the setting has to have a beautiful jewel to be worthy of it.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“في الفترة المتبقية لي على قيد الحياة، أنا مَلك . يمكنني فعل أي شيء أريده. أحيانا ما يبدو الأمر مثيرا. إلا أنه كما ترى لا يوجد الكثير من الإغراء لأنه لا يوجد شيء معين مذهل أو متمرد أرغب القيام به.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“من حين لآخر كنت اسمع داخل عقلي تلك النغمة العذبة التي اعتادت إيلي عزفها على الجيتارالخاص بها.
وقد كنت أذكر أصابعها تتحرك على أوتاره..
في كل مساء ينقضي أو ينقشع صباح.
يولد بعض الناس للأفراح.
وقد فكرت " إن هذا ينطبق عليك. لقد ولدت لبهجة ممتعة، وقد شعرت بالبهجة الممتعة هناك في فدان الغجر، إلا أنها فقط لم تستمر طويلا، وقد انتهت الآن ، وعدت إلى مكان قد لا يوجد به الكثير من المتعة ، حيث قد لا تكونين سعيدة. ولكنك في بينك هنا على أية حال, وبين أفراد قومك".”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“My whole belief in life was based on the fact that [she] loved me.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

“It's second nature to make the best of yourself.”
― Agatha Christie, quote from Endless Night

About the author

Agatha Christie
Born place: in Torquay, Devon, England, The United Kingdom
Born date September 15, 1890
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