Quotes from Dumplin'

Julie Murphy ·  384 pages

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“I think maybe it’s the things we don’t want to talk about that are the things people most want to hear.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I've wasted a lot of time in my life. I've thought too much about what people will say or what they're gonna think. And sometimes it's over silly things like going to the grocery store or going to the post office. But there have been times when I really stopped myself from doing something special. All because I was scared someone might look at me and decide I wasn't good enough. But you don't have to bother with that nonsense. I wasted all that time so you don't have to.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I guess sometimes the perfection we perceive in others is made up of a whole bunch of tiny imperfections, because some days the damn dress just won't zip.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“There’s something about swimsuits that make you think you’ve got to earn the right to wear them. And that’s wrong. Really, the criteria is simple. Do you have a body? Put a swimsuit on it.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“All my life I’ve had a body worth commenting on and if living in my skin has taught me anything it’s that if it’s not your body, it’s not yours to comment on.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“There's some kind of peace that comes with knowing that for every person who is waiting to be found, there's someone out there searching.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I think you gotta be who you want to be until you feel like you are whoever it is you're trying to become. Sometimes half of doing something is pretending that you can.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Perfection is nothing more than a phantom shadow we’re all chasing”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“My first kiss. It's the fastest thing that lasts forever.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Good friendships are durable. They're meant to survive the gaps and the growing pains.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I don't get why we call it a crush when it feels more like a curse.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Marcus mumbles something about PMS and to my surprise, from the kitchen, Bo says, “Why can’t she just be having a shitty day? You don’t need to make up some bullshit reason why.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Sometimes figuring out who you are means understanding that we are a mosaic of experiences. I’m Dumplin’. And Will and Willowdean. I’m fat. I’m happy. I’m insecure. I’m bold.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I may be uncomfortable, but I refuse to be ashamed”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I hate seeing fat girls on TV or in movies, because the only way the world seems to be okay with putting a fat person on camera is if they’re miserable with themselves or if they’re the jolly best friend. Well, I’m neither of those things.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose. —Dolly Parton”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“And I guess that's when I decided being good at something didn't mean you had to do it. Just 'cause something's easy doesn't make it right.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“This is me. Back me up or back the fuck out.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Maybe ’cause you don’t always have to win a pageant to wear a crown.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Lucy always said that the greatest friends have nothing and everything in common all at once. Y'all girls are different versions of the same story, she would say.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Beautiful, he says. Fat, I think. But can’t I be both at the same time? I”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“At this point, there’s nothing left to be done, and if there is anything, it’s too late to make the effort. All she can do is let the glitter fall where it may. (Her words, not mine.)”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“It’s like how I notice some girls have big boobs or shiny hair or knobby knees. Those things are okay to say. But the word fat, the one that best describes me, makes lips frown and cheeks lose their color.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“I like the idea of keeping my world in these little compartments where there is no risk of collision.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“She'd call us her bee-utiful girls and take us for hot chocolate on Mondays, because Fridays didn't deserve all the attention. It was funny. I used to think of myself as a Monday and Ellen as a Friday. But Mondays and Fridays were just twenty-four-hour stretches of time with different names.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Hannah shouldn’t have to get braces. Maybe she can’t afford them or maybe she’s scared to get them. Either way, she shouldn’t have to fill her mouth with metal so that some shitheads will leave her alone.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“But Mondays and Fridays were just twenty-four-hour stretches of time with different names.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“Isn’t that sad? It’s like the whole world has to walk around with name tags on so we can all feel more comfortable? I guess things are less scary if you know what to call them.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“But maybe Lucy wasn’t supposed to be your compass forever. Maybe she was there for you just long enough so you could learn how to be your own compass and find your own way.” She winks at me. “The universe is a strange thing.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

“it’s this reminder that no matter who you are, there will always be someone prettier or smarter or thinner. Perfection is nothing more than a phantom shadow we’re all chasing.”
― Julie Murphy, quote from Dumplin'

About the author

Julie Murphy
Born place: in Bridgeport, CT, The United States
Born date November 8, 1985
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