Quotes from Cabin Fever

Jeff Kinney ·  224 pages

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“So I've started wearing sweatpants to bed because I really don't need Santa seeing me in my underwear.”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“I've seen a lot of movies where a kid my age finds out he's got magical powers and then gets invited to go away to some special school. Well, if I've got an invitation coming, now would be the perfect time to get it”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“I'm probably something like 95% chicken nugget”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“fish and visitors stink in 3 days.”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“I’ve realized is that every time you get something cool for your birthday or for Christmas, within a week it’s being used against you. (We'll be taking this away until your English grade improves)”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“You know, back in the old days adults were respected because of how wise they were, and people went to them to help settle disputes. Nowadays it's a whole different world, and half the time I wonder if grown-ups should really be in charge.”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“Mom always says I need to spend less time on the couch and more time being active. But the way I see it. I'm just conserving my energy for later on. When all my friends are in their eighties and their bodies are broken down, I'll just be getting started.”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“I know I need to eat healthier, but if you take fast food out of my diet I'm in big trouble, because I'm probably something like 95% chicken nugget.”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“Now there's a black market for toys at our school. Christopher Stangel brought in a bunch of Legos from home yesterday, and I hear a single brick will set you back fifty cents.”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever

“澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University
澳洲毕业证澳洲学历文凭原版制作Q/微981497266办理北领地大学毕业证成绩单真实学历学位认证Northern Territory University”
― Jeff Kinney, quote from Cabin Fever


About the author

Jeff Kinney
Born place: in Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, The United States
Born date February 19, 2018
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