Quotes from Blood Kiss

J.R. Ward ·  397 pages

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“I’m losing air over here, you know,” Lassiter bitched. “My inflatable is deflating.” V cursed. “That’s because it doesn’t want to be around you any more than we do.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn’t mean effortless, and ever-after wasn’t about cruise control. You started with the attraction, and then you opened your heart and your soul—but all that, which was no small thing, just got you to first base. There were many, many other trips to take to deeper levels of greater acceptance and understanding. That was where you found the happy. And the ever-after was the work you were always willing to put in to stay close, to learn, and to grow as people together.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“The hallway beyond was filled with males of the house, the Brothers and other fighters and Manny sitting on the floor with their backs to the bare walls, their legs stretched out, propped up, crossed at the knees or crossed at the ankles.

Apparently there had been quite a bit of drinking going on, bottles of vodka and whiskey littered around them, glasses in hands or on thighs.

"This is NOT as pathetic as it looks," her Butch pointed out.

"Liar," V muttered, "It so fucking is. I think I'm going to start knitting for reals.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Is it my turn yet?” Lassiter asked over the earpiece. “I was born ready for this.” “Of all the people who could be immortal,” V muttered, “why are you one of them?” “Because I’m awwwwwesome,” the fallen angel sang. “And I’m part of your team—” “No, you’re not—” “—living your dream!” Butch’s head started thumping even worse. “Shut up, Lass. I can’t do singing right now.” “It’s from Despicable Me,” the angel commented. Like he was being helpful. “Shut up,” V cut in. “Shut up.” Butch fought to keep his voice low. “We’ve got another four minutes in the gym. I’ll let you know when you can—” “I’m losing air over here, you know,” Lassiter bitched. “My inflatable is deflating.” V cursed. “That’s because it doesn’t want to be around you any more than we do.” “You keep this up and I’m going to start thinking my enmity is mutual.” “About fucking time.” Right, Butch didn’t get off on dragging soaking-wet, panicked idiots out of a pool—but, man, he was really frickin’ glad he wasn’t on the back side of the house with those two fighting. “Sit tight, Lass,” he said. “I’ll be in touch—and, V, for the love of God, will you turn off his fucking mic—” “Ow! Hey! What the fuck, V—”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“And maybe there is greatness waiting for you—if you only get back up on your feet and keep going.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“From out of nowhere, she had an image of some poor human in a FedEx Office branch getting an eyeful and a half of the mostly naked fallen angel.

Without warning, she started to laugh so hard, tears came to her eyes. The good kind of tears, that was.

And as she gave herself up to the angel's ridiculousness, Lass just say there on the couch, staring up at "Melrose Place", a sly, quiet smile on his beautiful, deranged face.

What an angel he was, she thought to herself. A total angel.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Is it my turn yet?” Lassiter asked over the earpiece. “I was born ready for this.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“As he kissed her back, she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn’t mean effortless, and ever-after wasn’t about cruise control. You started with the attraction, and then you opened your heart and your soul—but all that, which was no small thing, just got you to first base. There were many, many other trips to take to deeper levels of greater acceptance and understanding. That was where you found the happy. And the ever-after was the work you were always willing to put in to stay close, to learn, and to grow as people together.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“The Brother pulled Craeg to his feet....and embraced him. "Good job son. I'm proud of you."

Craeg blinked his eyes fast, as if he were tearing up. The he seemed to give up the fight against his emotions by closing his lids, tucking his head and sagging into the Brother's arms.

"And that," Rhage said in a loud approving voice, "is how you do it.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Dear . . . God,” she blurted as she recoiled. The hallway beyond was filled with the males of the house, the Brothers and other fighters and Manny sitting on the floor with their backs to the bare walls, their legs stretched out, propped up, crossed at the knees or crossed at the ankles. Apparently there had been quite a bit of drinking going on, empty bottles of vodka and whiskey littered around them, glasses in hands or on thighs. “This is not as pathetic as it looks,” her Butch pointed out. “Liar,” V muttered. “It so fucking is. I think I’m going to start knitting for reals.” As the females emerged with her, each one of them registered shock, disbelief, and then a wry amusement. “Is it me,” one of the males groused, “or did we just perform our own mass castration out here?” “I think that just about sums this shit up,” somebody agreed. “I’m wearing panties under my leathers from now on. Anyone joining me?” “Lassiter already does,” V said as he got to his feet and went to Jane. “Hey.” And then it was group-reunion time. While the other pairs found one another, Butch smiled as Marissa came over to him and put out her hand to help him off the floor. As they embraced, he kissed her on the side of the neck. “Are you out of love with me now?” he murmured. “’ Cuz I’m pussy-whipped?” She leaned back in his arms. “Why? Because you pined after me while I was watching a dirty movie with my girls that wasn’t all that dirty? I think it’s actually— and brace yourself— really pretty cute.” “I’m still all man.” As she rolled her body against him, she let out a mmmm as she felt his erection. “Yes, I can tell.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“He was wearing a scuba mask and snorkel set pushed off his handsome face . . . a set of flippers that slapped over the slick floor as he approached the pool’s edge . . . a slingshot bathing suit that was hot pink . . . and a children’s”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Your past was the same as your skin: with you for life, both the proverbial beauty marks . . . and the scars.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“I still think that every time I see you, after I’ve spent some time away from you. Thank God … he’s here. ~ Marissa to Butch”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“This is getting us nowhere, he muttered after a moment.
You’re absolutely right. So fuck off. Have a nice life, hope all your holier-than-thou keeps you warm during the day. ~ Paradise to Craeg”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“It makes me crazy, your voice. Every day, after we'd hang up the phone, I would sleep with the fucking thing on my chest. Like maybe part of your voice, part of you was still in it.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Why can’t I use my laptop to take notes?” To which the Brother Tohrment had replied, “Because the tap-tapping of a keyboard makes me want to get my shotgun. Do you feel like having a cranial leak tonight?”

Ward, J.R. (2015-12-01). Blood Kiss: Black Dagger Legacy (p. 229). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Non succederà”, giurò. “Non mi interessa nessuna di quelle cose e questo non cambierà.”
“Come lo sai?” disse lui a bassa voce.
“Perché ... Io sono innamorato di te. E se decidi domani, fra una settimana ... un anno ... che questa è solo un'avventura, oppure che hai bisogno di stare con qualcuno che è più di classe di quanto lo sia io, non sopravviverò a questo. È qualcosa che mi metterà in ginocchio e mi farà restare lì. Quindi lasciami andare, okay? Risparmiami altre sofferenze ... lasciami andare.”
Paradise si asciugò gli occhi e dovette sorridere.
“Mi hai appena detto che mi ami?”
Quando lui non rispose, lei concluse: “Penso che lo hai fatto.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Fuck me!” he belted out. Yes, please, his cock replied with a kick.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Weight carried, whether it was physically, mentally, or emotionally, slowed you down.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“The guy was like part pro wrestler, part Toys "R" Us.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“You and I are not going to survive long term, regardless of love or bonding, if you keep airbrushing things. If I keep airbrushing things. It’s not a good strategy for us—and if this makes you feel like you’re on the spot? As if I’m giving you an ultimatum? I don’t care. If anything gets in the way of our relationship, anything, I will mow that shit down—even if it is you.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn’t mean effortless, and ever-after wasn’t about cruise control.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Don't you want to find out who else you are—other than a receptionist?"

She frowned. "There is honor in all works."

"And maybe there is greatness waiting for you—if you only get back up on your feet and keep going.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“we are every age we have ever been at each moment in our lives. We carry it all with us like luggage.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Axwelle. Figured you might as well start the eval with the one most likely to be considered a sociopath.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“Body parts really don’t like to be cut, stabbed or hacked into sections, and they express their anger by leaking all over the fuck. Jesus, we’re, like, seventy percent water or something? And you learn that’s so fucking true when you go to a fresh scene. Pools of it. Drips of it. Speckles of it. Then you got the stained clothes, rugs, bedsheets, walls, flooring—or if it’s outside, the ground cover, the concrete, the asphalt. And then there’s the smell. Blood, sweat, urine, other shit. That juicy bouquet will get in your sinuses and stay there for hours afterward.” He shook his head again. “The older cases . . . the smell is worse than the mess. Water deaths, with the bloating, are just ugly—and if that gas that’s built up gets out? The stench will knock you on your ass. And I don’t know, I wasn’t too crazy for the burn deaths either. I mean, you’d think we’d realize we’re not different than any other mammal—cooked meat is cooked meat, period. But I’ve never seen a grown man puke up his coffee and donuts over a medium rare T-bone.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“so where does the cumberbatch go?” As”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“I got to go! Bye!” “You’re ammmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaazing—” Click. This time when she put her cell phone back down, she felt as light and frothy as the bubbles in a champagne flute. And a little drunk, too.”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

“As he kissed her back, she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn’t mean effortless, and ever-after wasn’t about cruise control. You started with the attraction, and then you opened your heart and your soul—but all that, which was no small thing, just got you to first base. There were many, many other trips to take to deeper levels of greater acceptance and understanding. That was where you found the happy. And the ever-after was the work you were always willing to put in to stay close, to learn, and to grow as people together. “I”
― J.R. Ward, quote from Blood Kiss

About the author

J.R. Ward
Born place: The United States
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