Quotes from Beautifully Damaged

L.A. Fiore ·  345 pages

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“I couldn’t imagine loving someone with that kind of intensity, and knowing that the one you’re with is the only one you’ll ever want.”

I realized that I was rambling so I stopped talking as Trace just looked at me. His expression was completely unreadable. He wrapped his hands around my face as he looked deeply into my eyes before he whispered, “I can...”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“There are so many reasons I could list as to why I want you in my life and the three most important are I respect you, I admire you, and I love you. Marry me.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“That was what I wanted: someone who knew me better than I knew myself, someone who knew all the worst parts of me, yet still loved me.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“All my heart is yours: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“I clearly was not cut out for undercover work; we hadn’t even gone two blocks before Trace realized he had a tail.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“Life works in mysterious ways, Ember, and the secret is to not think too hard on the why or how of it, and to not mourn what is no longer, but live: live hard and love hard.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“There was a note of humor in his tone when he replied, “Mad Dog Max.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“It isn't every day a wish comes true and you, Ember, are the answer to my wish.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“Could people truly be happy if they were unwilling to put the ghosts of their past to rest? I suspected no.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“I suspected he was a damaged soul, but he was a beautiful one too.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

“It was painful looking at the man you wanted more than a cake pop and knowing you’d never have him, because to do so would mean becoming one of many other notches on his bedpost.”
― L.A. Fiore, quote from Beautifully Damaged

About the author

L.A. Fiore
Born place: in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
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