Quotes from All the Truth That's in Me

Julie Berry ·  274 pages

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“I don't believe in miracles, but if the need is great, a girl might make her own miracle.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“There is a curious comfort in letting go. After the agony, letting go brings numbness, and after the numbness, clarity. As if I can see the world for the first time, and my place in it, independent of you, a whole vista of what may be. Even if it is not grand or inspiring, it is real and solid, unlike the fantasy I've built around you. I will do this.
I will triumph over you.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“And what rules of economy dictate that a boy without a foot is more whole than a girl without a tongue?”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“The people you save won't celebrate you. They'll gather the wood and cheer while you burn.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“It's always you ladybird," he says softly "don't you know?”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“Like the clanging of the bell, the truth crashes in upon me. At last I understand. He took away my voice to save me. And now, to save myself, I take it back.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“This will be a new amputation. You've been a part of my flesh, underneath all my skin. Your removal will bleed and leave me lame for a time.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“If I thought I could never love you more, I didn't understand you well enough.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“Like a soldier back from battle you fill my vision. You're a flood, a baptism I'd forgotten, and the force of you leaves me breathless.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“It's a cold world when no one will touch you.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“I don't believe in miracles, but if the need is great, a girl might make her own miracle. Even if that means enlisting the devil's help.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“To tell the truth will make me loathsome in your eyes.
Even more than I already am.
I pledge to give you all the truth that's in me.
And you want me to tell you this.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“Did we risk our lives to defend a just society, where guilt must be proven and not assumed? Or are we no better than the oppressive kings from whom our fathers fled?”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“I have no words to save you.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“There's no justice in this world, the things that happen to people.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“A miracle that can never be: your face, your hands, pledged to me.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“The stars' cold stare reminds me: worse than a sinner, I'm a thief. I steal the touch you would not choose to give me.
You'll never know you've been robbed.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“I never heard any angel voice but yours.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“I remember the way Mother's eyes watched him. Like she could never get enough. She spent her life loving him, like I've spent mine loving you.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“I nod. Young love is not always forever. I know.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“That won’t excuse me for presuming to give my heart to you. It’s not your fault you broke it.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“You’re a flood, a baptism I’d forgotten, and the force of you leaves me breathless.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“My guilt was firm in their minds the moment my name was called, the moment my tongue was cut.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“You are not like him. No matter what anyone says.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“In every bit of beauty, I see you.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“We were four people: the children we'd been, and grown strangers now.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“My head is full of seeing you see me.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“Strange how my body and its purity have become the town's sacred possessions, yet they spare me no pity. It's as if they were the ones wronged, not me.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“Your father died the night the town believed he did, and my captor was born from his ashes. Two men, not alike, strangers to each other.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

“You'll be farther from me than ever, if unreachable wasn't already far enough.”
― Julie Berry, quote from All the Truth That's in Me

About the author

Julie Berry
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