Quotes from Absolute Power

David Baldacci ·  550 pages

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“Today might not be so good. But tomorrow, you got another chance to get it right.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“You know what kind of person it takes to run for President? Not normal. They could start out okay, but by the time they reach that level they've sold their soul to the devil so many times and stomped the guts out of enough people that they are definitely not like you and me, not even close.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Arrogant people habitually overestimated their own abilities and underestimated everyone else’s.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“People like to talk about other people’s misery; it makes them feel their own life is somehow better when it usually isn’t.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Things sometimes did not work out. Even if you wanted them to more than anything else. You couldn’t will someone to love you back. You had to move on.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“the business of politics, which essentially meant screwing others before they got around to screwing you.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“for once in a long time, he felt good. No worries, just possibilities. Endless possibilities.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“entirely clear over the screams of the crowds. The”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“description?” Frank asked patiently. “I’ve got sixty-five employees and a turnover”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Luther glanced at the framed prints on the nightstand and wryly observed the twenty-something “little woman” next to the seventy-something husband. There were many types of lotteries in the world and not all of them state-run. Several”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“You ask me that question two, three years ago I’d say yeah, damn straight you will. Yes sir.” He looked out at the crush of people. “You ask me today, I say I don’t know. I don’t care what court you’re in. Supreme Court, traffic court. Things are changing, man. Not just the courts either. Everything. Everybody. Whole goddamn world’s changing and I just don’t know anymore.” They”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE DAN KIRKSEN OPENED THE WASHINGTON POST AND started to take a sip of his orange juice. It never reached his mouth. Gavin had managed to file a story on the Sullivan case consisting chiefly of the information that Jack Graham, newly ordained partner at Patton,”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“That was the problem with an eight-figure gorilla of a client. It took all of your time and attention. Old clients dried up and died away. New clients were not cultivated. His complacency had come back to bite him right in the ass. He”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“The car had been returned to the impoundment lot where Luther had “borrowed” it earlier that night. The plate would get them nowhere,”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Today might not be so good. But tomorrow, you got another chance to”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Arrogant people habitually overestimated their own abilities and underestimated everyone else’s. “And”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“supremely noble act in a world more and more devoid of anything remotely virtuous.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“You know what kind of person it takes to run for President? Not normal. They could start out okay, but by the time they reach that level they’ve sold their soul to the devil so many times and stomped the guts out of enough people that they are definitely not like you and me, not even close.” Frank”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Kennedy’s guy had never been the same. Quit the Service, divorced, finished his human existence in obscurity in some rat’s hole in Mississippi,”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“fueled him with a stamina, a resolve before which many an obstacle had wilted.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“He had started to forget what it was like to hit one out of the park. After Sullivan”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Trying to recapture his youth. He should have known that nature bowed to no one, regardless of their monetary worth.”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

“Per troppi anni sono stato ad ascoltarti piangere la tua condizione di martire e adesso non ne posso più. Tu ti vedi come la paladina di vittime innocenti. Altro nella tua vita non c'è. Non ci sei tu, non ci sono io, non c'è tuo padre. L'unica vera ragione per cui ti accanisci contro ogni bastardo che ti capita a tiro è che tuo padre ti ha fatto del male. Ogni volta che fai condannare qualcuno è un'altro chiodo che conficchi nel cuore del tuo vecchio”
― David Baldacci, quote from Absolute Power

About the author

David Baldacci
Born place: in Richmond, Virginia, The United States
Born date August 5, 1960
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