“I cannot expect people to do for me what I cannot.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Agrabah is yours."
"No," Jasmine said, looking out at the sea of guild leaders, and the thieves, and the genie, and all the people of her city.
"Agrabah is ours.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Before I ran away, my closest friend was a tiger."
Aladdin laughed softly. "Before I met you, my closest friend was a monkey." He kissed her on the forehead. "We're quite a pair.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“The genie leaned forward to whisper to them.
"Sorry. You guys seem like a nice couple."
"The sultan is my father," Jasmine snapped.
"Oh. Whoops. My bad. It's not so unusual, you know- old kings, young girls. That whole May-December thing. Not totally my fault."
"At least I won't be married to anyone against my will now. Not even Jafar," Jasmine said grimly.
"Yeah, how about we not give Mr. Revengey-pants here ideas?" the genie suggested archly. "There's a substantial legal and magical difference between forcing to love and forcing to marry."
He had a point. Jasmine kept her mouth shut.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“She was the royal princess. She had to start acting like one. She had to stop talking about being trapped, about being handed over from one man to another. She had to start acting.
She had to start being the hero.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“She wished a silly, girlish wish: that she'd had a chance to really fly on the carpet when it was still a carpet. With Aladdin. Zooming through the night air like she was doing now, but with his warm arms to hold on to and the entire world at their feet. They could have gone anywhere they wanted. They would have been completely free.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“The stable boy whose charge is this horse will receive fifty lashes for losing him," the old man said, cackling in delight as he gripped the reins.
"We will be back before dawn if your stories are true, Grandfather," Aladdin said, dislike for his partner growing. "And I will tip the poor boy as well.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“The heat of the day had long since retreated into the desert, and the city, which had drowsed through the hot afternoon, was finally coming alive. The streets filled with people drinking tea and gossiping, laughing, and visiting friends. Old men played chatrang on boards set up outside cafes; children stayed up long past their bedtimes playing their own games on the sidewalks. Men and women bought rose-flavored ices and trinkets from nighttime vendors.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“There are a lot of things that aren't fair, Aladdin."
She drew back from him, still holding his hands, and looked into his eyes.
"That's just the way life is- which is why it's so important for us Street Rats to take care of each other. That's a good instinct you have. You should always look out for your friends and your family. Because no one is looking out for us.
But that doesn't mean you should become a thief."
Aladdin looked at the ground, chagrined.
She put her hand under his chin to make him look up at her.
"Don't let life's unfairness, don't let how poor you are decide who you are. You choose who you will be, Aladdin. Will you be a hero who looks after the weak and powerless? Will you be a thief? Will you be a beggar- or worse? It's up to you, not the things-or people- around you. You can choose to be something more.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“I don't see a purse of gold coins on you, smart guy. How do you pay for things?"
Aladdin found himself- quite possibly for the first time ever- speechless.
"That's... clever of you," he finally said. "But that's totally different! I only steal because otherwise I'd starve!"
"So it's all right for you to steal- because you need food. But it's not all right for me, who didn't know any better? And was just trying to help a little child?”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Interesting. And does Abu have anything else to say?" she asked, leaning closer.
Cinnamon. Her breath smelled of cinnamon. He could even smell her skin at that distance. Though he wasn't one normally prone to poetry, he could only think of a fresh desert breeze that carried a whisper of cypress and sandalwood.
"He wishes there was something he could do to help..." That at least was honest. He wasn't exactly sure how kissing would help her. He just knew it was going to happen or he was going to die.
"Tell him I just might take him up on that," the girl said, closing her eyes and tilting her head.
Aladdin put his arm around her back and prepared for the best thing that had ever happened to him.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“So, Royal Princess- excuse me, Sultana Jasmine- coming to admire your soon-to-be kingdom?" he said with a smile.
"Yes, I want to make some changes. I think it could use a few more lights," she said, finger to her chin in contemplation. "Torches there, there, and there. And maybe a different shade of white this time. More 'eggshell' or 'moon.' Less 'sand.'"
"Definitely less sand," Aladdin agreed.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“That girl, the girl he had spent the afternoon with, the girl who had leapt off the sides of buildings and pole-vaulted off others, who had charmed Abu and shared an apple with him, was not some rich girl off for a jaunt or running away from home. She was a princess. The royal princess.
Her eyes were black and hard. Her back was straight; her arms hung gracefully at her sides as if she had too much power even to need to put them on her hips or cross them in anger. Her diadem sparkled.
"The princess...?" Aladdin said faintly.
It was said that Jasmine was beautiful; it was said she was quick-witted. Both of these were without question true.
It was also said that she was a witch with a tiger for a familiar. It was said she tore her suitors to shreds- verbally and, vis-a-vis the tiger, occasionally literally.
"Princess Jasmine," Rasoul said immediately, lowering his eyes and bowing. "What are you doing outside the palace? And with this... Street Rat?"
"That is none of your concern," Jasmine said. She put her hands on her hips and marched right up into the captain's space as if he was no more to her than an irritating camel. "Do as I command. Release him.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“But mostly Aladdin thought about Princess Jasmine. If he had never met her, he wouldn't have been thrown into prison by the royal guards, he wouldn't have fallen in with the crazy, oil old man, and he wouldn't be there now, trying to dig himself out of a black, suffocating pit in the middle of the desert.
And still he wouldn't have changed a thing.
He thought about her eyes when she was looking into his. He thought about her eyes when she had seen the beggar children. He had witnessed the single moment she began to comprehend the world he lived in. He replayed the graceful skill with which she handled her tiny silver dagger. He thought about her descending from the sky at the end of her pole vault like a warrior angel.
Thinking about all that made him forget that his fingers were rubbed raw and the inside of his mouth felt like the sand he dug through.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Let's not leave arguing."
"I'd rather not leave at all.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“But mostly Aladdin thought about Princess Jasmine. If he had never met her, he wouldn't have been thrown into prison by the royal guards, he wouldn't have fallen in with the crazy, evil old man, and he wouldn't be there now, trying to dig himself out of a black, suffocating pit in the middle of the desert.
And still he wouldn't have changed a thing.
He thought about her eyes when she was looking into his. He thought about her eyes when she had seen the beggar children. He had witnessed the single moment she began to comprehend the world he lived in. He replayed the graceful skill with which she handled her tiny silver dagger. He thought about her descending from the sky at the end of her pole vault like a warrior angel.
Thinking about all that made him forget that his fingers were rubbed raw and the inside of his mouth felt like the sand he dug through.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“There was a not-quite-secret stairway in the back of the library building that led up to a balcony bordered by delicately arched windows. These looked out over a small courtyard lined with sour-orange trees. Across from this were the royal baths- which connected directly to the audience chamber, banquet hall, and eventually the throne room itself. That had sounded strange until Jasmine explained to Aladdin that sultans often entertained foreign guests and consulted with top advisers while enjoying a pleasant mint-scented sweat in the steam rooms.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“A man who has the attentions of an attractive royal princess should probably keep his eyes to himself."
"I'm just kidding, Morgiana. I really only have eyes for Jasmine," he said seriously. Then: "No offense."
"None was ever taken. You're too skinny for my liking, anyway. Put some meat on your bones and then we'll talk.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“She walked to the doorway and looked up at the sky; even with the dust she could see Hormozd, the large red planet, just beginning to sink behind the mountains. On the other side of the sky, the heavens were a shade lighter than they had been just a while ago. The sun was preparing to rise. "I will do what needs to be done."
"Of course, Princess. You would... you would make the warriors of old proud.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“From naive, lonely princess to winner of hearts and minds less than a month, Jasmine managed to make people feel at ease with her while still maintaining her rule as leader.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“And Jasmine, royal princess and daughter of the sultan..." the little old religious man trailed off, confused. "I'm sorry, daughter. I don't remember all of your names. Rose of Agrabah? Twice Great-Granddaughter of Elisheba the Wise?"
"I think it was Elisheba," Jasmine said thoughtfully.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“She wore a tan robe and headscarf, the clothes of a local... but didn't feel like a market regular. She moved slowly and gazed at everything with a child's wonder. Her eyes were large and clear, her hair as black as midnight. She had a warm smile on her pretty lips and was obviously murmuring 'hellos' and 'excuse mes' to people who really didn't care or want to talk. She walked with the grace of a cloud in the wind, like her body weighed nothing at all, and held her head high with easy dignity. Easy.
Aladdin felt his heart contract. He had never seen her- or anyone like her- before.
When the girl adjusted her scarf, she revealed an intricate diadem in her hair that had a ridiculously sized emerald in it.
'Ah, a rich girl, out for a day of shopping in the market without her servants. Living dangerously, playing hooky.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“She had often dreamed of going to a teahouse to play chess or argue esoteric scholarly points with students and feisty old men and women. It was a dream forbidden to a royal princess, of course.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“She watched the children and he watched her face as she tried to process everything she had just learned. She was innocent; that was true. But there was intelligence in those large eyes. She picked up things very, very quickly. It was more than Aladdin could usually say about those who weren't Street Rats. What a waste, for some father to trap such a smart, interesting girl behind a garden gate, like a prized animal...”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Prince,' he could, at this point, take or leave.
The rest of his life with Jasmine, however... that was worth everything.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“The scary glow of ghoulish red dotted the city like a plague that was taking over an otherwise healthy body.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Beyond it were a dozen skeletons still shackled to the wall, left there even after they'd decomposed like a forgotten detail in a fairy tale.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“Perhaps, if you explain to the judge, he will be lenient. He will... weigh your circumstances. But that is his job. Mine is to bring you in."
"Really? I thought your job was to eat baklava. You're slowing down, old man," Aladdin taunted. With a howl of rage Rasoul brought his scimitar down as hard as he could.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“So Jafar knows I'm in the city- he probably already knew that. He doesn't know where I'll be next. Because... I never stay still. I never sleep in the same place twice. I move like the wind and the shadows. I am sheltered by the good and faithful all over Agrabah, in every neighborhood.
Go crawling back to your master, scum. Tell him that I am the eyes and ears of my people, and they do not want him.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“It would be nice if the streets were free and safe. But please, take this bread and cheese. I'm not demanding your loyalty in return. I just want my people fed.”
― Liz Braswell, quote from A Whole New World
“The last thing I want to do is find my way back to myself when I've already found the best part of myself in her.”
― Meredith Wild, quote from Hard Love
“Do you know which is the greatest epic till date?”
― Hari Kumar K, quote from When Strangers meet..
“I lost my religion about the same time I lost my city. When it comes to war, people tend to go one of two ways: either they find God, or they do away with him. I fell into the latter category.
I never blamed him, not like some of the others that gave up religion. They seemed more like jaded lovers than atheists. God just never was a man in my mind. He was food, shelter, safety, and—ultimately—peace. And when all that fled, I realized that my world no longer had a place for him.”
― Laura Thalassa, quote from The Queen of Traitors
“The door', replied Maimie, 'will always, always be open, and mother will always be waiting at it for me.”
― J.M. Barrie, quote from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
“People don't know that they do that to people when they do the things they shouldn't. Hurtful things are roots,they spread ,branch out, creep under the surface touching other parts of the lives of those they hurt. It's never one mistake, it's never one moment, it becomes a series of moments, each moment growing roots and spurting in different directions. And over time, they become muddled like an old twisted tree, strangling itself and tying itself up in knots.”
― Cecelia Ahern, quote from The Marble Collector
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