Quotes from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

George R.R. Martin ·  639 pages

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“You are grown so very great now, yet the higher a man climbs the farther he has to fall.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“I do so hope he plays us 'The Rains of Castamere.' It has been an hour. I've forgotten how it goes.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“A valiant deed unsung is no less valiant.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Noooo," Cersei wailed, "Father help him, someone help him, my son, my son...'
Tyrian found himself thinking of Robb Stark. My own wedding is looking much better in hindsight.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“In King’s Landing, there are two sorts of people. The players and the pieces.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“He might as well wish for another thousand men, and maybe a dragon or three.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Jaime gave her [Brienne] a hard smile. "See, wench? We know each other too well.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“I was very sorry to hear about your losses. Your brother was a terrible traitor, I know, but if we start killing men at weddings they'll be more frightened of marriage than they are presently. (Olenna Tyrell to Sansa Stark”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“So go to sleep, my little Brandon, my baby boy. You needn’t fear. There are no monsters here.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Robb, listen to me. Once you have eaten of his bread and salt, you have the guest right, and the laws of hospitality protect you beneath his roof.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“He rode through the streets of the city, down from his hill on high, O’er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles, he rode to a woman’s sigh. For she was his secret treasure, she was his shame and his bliss. And a chain and a keep are nothing, compared to a woman’s kiss.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Nothing but this: I did not do it. Yet now I wish I had.” He turned to face the hall, that sea of pale faces. “I wish I had enough poison for you all. You make me sorry that I am not the monster you would have me be, yet there it is. I am innocent, but I will get no justice here. You leave me no choice but to appeal to the gods. I demand trial by battle.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“If you keep all your treasures in one purse, you only make it easier for those who would rob you.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Tommen looked back to Ser Kevan. "Can I seal them now, Great-Uncle?" Pressing his royal seal into the hot wax was his favorite part of being king, so far.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“A sword so fine must bear a name. It would please me if you would call this one Oathkeeper.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Her big hand wrapped tight around Oathkeeper. "I will. And I will find the girl and keep her safe. For her lady mother's sake. And for yours.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“The Others never come when the sun is up.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Ser Gregor, Dunsen, Polliver, Raff Dolcecuore, Messer Sottile e il Mastino. Ser Ilyn, ser Meryn, regina Cersei, re Joffrey." Erano i nomi dell'odio del suo odio.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Aside from her aged maid, Sansa’s only companion was the Lord Robert, eight going on three.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“glutton. When Ami was caught in the stables with no fewer than three”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Dany said nothing. There was nothing to say.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“The outriders came on them an hour from the Green Fork, as the wayn was slogging down a muddy road.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Stay," she said. "Rule. And be a queen.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“I can't forgive you," she said. "I can't.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“The gods always smiled on Watt, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?” “Was it a long fall?” Grenn wanted to know. “Did landing in the pool of water save his life?” “No,” said Dolorous Edd. “He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“Never believe anything you hear in a song.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

“It must be you or no one. The Wall is yours, Jon Snow.”
― George R.R. Martin, quote from A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold

About the author

George R.R. Martin
Born place: in Bayonne, New Jersey, The United States
Born date September 20, 1948
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