Quotes from Trial by Fire

Jennifer Lynn Barnes ·  357 pages

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“Show of hands," Devon said, breaking the silence. "Who thinks we're screwed?”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“I’d take a physical fight over Touchy-Feely Share Time, hands down”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“So," I said climbing to my feet and changing the subject ASAP, "I had a dream last night someone tried to burn me alive, and I'm not entirely sure it was a dream."
Devon stiffened. Chase's pupils pulsed.
Subject successfully changed.
"Now who's ready to eat?”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“In the end,” Callum said, his voice soft, gentle, “it all comes back to you. You protect them [your pack], you love them, you live for them, and someday, you die. That’s what it means, Bryn-girl, to be what we are [to be Alpha]. It’s lonely. It’s impossible. It’s all-consuming.” It is what it is.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“Being raised by a psychopath will do that to you.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“She'd been taught all her life not to attack humans, but knocking them unconscious with tranquilizer guns was more of a gray area.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“I wasn't entirely sure how to reply. Blow me and Screw you both seemed like strong contenders, but the peanut gallery in my head appeared to be favoring castration.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“Did you follow me here?" I asked.
Lake shrugged. "The word follow seems to suggest you got here first.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“Hierarchy was like breathing: the only time you thought about it was when something went wrong.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“The werewolf Senate hadn't been happy with the idea of a human alpha, and there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about the fact that I had something most male Weres wanted very, very badly...Maddy. Lake. Lily, Katie, Sloane, Avie, Sophie...”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

“This however, wasn't an ideal world, and no matter how hard I tried to think of an answer, I had nothing.”
― Jennifer Lynn Barnes, quote from Trial by Fire

About the author

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Born place: Tulsa, Oklahoma, The United States
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