Quotes from Transcendence

Shay Savage ·  312 pages

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“My life with Beh was beautiful, transcending everything that set us apart from each other.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I will provide for her. I will protect her. I will give her anything she wants.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“In the darkness of the cave, there is a light inside her eyes that makes my heart beat faster. I know the emotions I see there are also reflected in my own gaze though I have never felt this way before. Beh softly repeats the same three sounds, followed by my name-sound.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

I feel my smile on my face as I understand what she is doing. Though it's a strange one, she has a name-sound just like I do, and she's telling me what it is. I try to make the same sounds.
"Ehh..beh." I frown. Why is her name-sound so difficult and so long?
She frowns right back at me and says it again. "Elizabeth."
She sighs and her forehead wrinkles.
"Elizabeth. Eeee-lizzzz-ahh-beth."
She taps her chest again.
The sound is shorter but still very odd.
"Beth," she repeats.
I've had enough. I reach out and touch her should.
I tap her a little harder and growl.
"Beh", I repeat. I tap her again. "BEH!"
Her eyes widen a bit, and she inhales sharply. A moment later, her shoulders drop and she sighs.
"Beh," she says quietly.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I don't care if she ever makes a basket that can hold grain, but I want her to be here with me. I want her to be close to me as I work or fish, and I want her to lie next to me in the furs at night. In my mind, she is with me always and forever.
Finally, its clear to me that I want her for more than children.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“She may be strange; she may not know how to make baskets, and she may be very noisy, but she is my mate, and I'm thrilled she is here.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“Beh reaches up and touches my cheek.
“Love,” she whispers.

“Luffs!” I respond, and her smile brightens even more.

Without a doubt, I will do anything for her.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I definitely like it--lips and mouths and tongues together. When my tongue runs over my own lips, I can taste her there, and it's as if she's laid claim to me.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“My mate is really, really weird.

She is also absolutely covered in brown, mushy clay.

She laughs and holds a large lump up to show it to me. Her mouth moves, and she makes enough noise to scare away a group of birds near the shore.

She is so, so strange.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I wish she weren’t so noisy, but I’m willing to endure the noise to have her with me.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“My life with Beh was beautiful, trascending everything that set us apart from each other”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I never gave her a mating gift, and I want to give her this today so I can put a baby in her tonight.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“Love,” she whispers.
“Luffs!” I respond, and her smile brightens even more.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I hope if I am patient, she will let me put a baby inside of her soon.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“I wonder how her tribe can make such strange and complicated clothing but not even know how to wear a simple wrap!”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“Beh wakes slowly to my gentle touches on her neck, shoulder, and ear.  For a moment, she rolls over and tucks her head into my chest.  She pulls the fur up around her head and hides underneath it. My mate does not like waking up in the morning, and it makes me smile when she does this.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

“she rolls up a few scraps of fur into a small ball and places it under her head when she sleeps. My mate is strange.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Transcendence

About the author

Shay Savage
Born place: in Wichita, KS, The United States
Born date November 18, 2018
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